Example 1: Male, 9 months, with fever, cough, with diarrhea admitted to hospital for one week. Check: T39 ℃, P130 beats / min, breathing slightly, rough breathing sounds of the lungs, the right lung can be heard blisters sound. Liver ribs 2.0cm, spleen is not large, X-ray pneumonia changes. After a week of anti-infection signs of pneumonia disappeared, but the body temperature between 37.5 ℃ ~ 39 ℃. Suddenly appeared on the 10th day of hospitalized right paralysis, when there are local seizures, retina retinal vascular color fade, thinning of the arteries. 3.5 million red blood cells, 10.3 g% hemoglobin, 18,000 to 47,800 leukocytes, 70 to 90% neutral, 10 to 20% lymphomas,