作曲家 李仲党

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李仲党,国家一级作曲、教授。中国音乐家协会理事、政府津贴优秀专家、民盟中央委员。现任河南省音乐家协会驻会常务副主席、秘书长、河南省合唱联盟主席。多年来,创作不同题材、体裁的音乐作品(管弦乐、室内乐、钢琴、声乐、舞剧、戏剧、电视、电影、广播剧等)共计680余部,发表音乐理论文章70余篇。其中十一部音乐作品获中宣部全国“五个一工程”奖。一部音乐作品获文化部“文华”音乐优秀创 Li Zhong party, national level composer, professor. China Musicians Association, government subsidies outstanding experts, the Central Committee of the NLD. Incumbent Henan Musicians Association executive vice chairman, secretary general, Henan province chorus Union chairman. Over the years, he has composed more than 680 music works (orchestral, chamber music, piano, vocal music, dance drama, drama, television, film, radio drama, etc.) with more than 70 pieces of music theory articles. Among them, eleven music works won the “Five-One Project” award of the Central Propaganda Department. A piece of music by the Ministry of Culture “Mandarin” music excellent record
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松枝小卷蛾(Laspeyresia coniferana Rotz)是我省东部山区松林内的主要蛀干害虫之一。它以幼虫危害树干韧皮部,造成大量流脂,使树势衰弱,引起其它蛀干害虫侵入,致使林木枯死
了解棉田红铃虫Platyedra gossypiella Saun-ders卵量的多少,是指导红铃虫田间防治的重要依据。要正确估计田间卵量,必须有合适的抽样方法和必要的样本数量。为此,又必须明
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黑皱金龟Trematodes tenebrioides Pallas又名无后翅金龟,在咸阳地区普遍发生,以永寿、乾县、礼泉等县北部半山、半塬区发生较重,占蛴螬类的33.3—75.0%。成虫取食多种作物叶