
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyballball
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近些年,随着铁路工程的不断发展,铁路建设投资市场呈现出多样化发展。“十三五”期间投资有望达到4.3万亿。1~10月,全国铁路固定资产投资6,234亿元,同比增长9.8%,预计2016年全年铁路固定资产投资有望接近9,000亿的水平;预计“十三五”期间铁路总投资有望超过4.3万亿,平均每年投资超过8,600亿。其中城际铁路将是“十三五”期间的投资重点。根据统计,预计“十三五”期间城际铁路竣工里程数将达到10,831公里,为“十二五”期间的3.1倍,投资额为1.4万亿,其占到“十三五”当中对于铁路投资的32%。面对这么大的投资额度完全依靠政府是不现实的,在面临铁路的实际发展以及相关资金缺少的问题下,铁路建设就需要适应相关的并且适合我国国情的融资方式。在这当中PPP模式是最合适的一种方式。相对于PPP模式来讲,其主要就是广义和狭义之分。广义的PPP模式主要指的是政府和民营企业之间为了某项公共服务而进行某种关系的建立,对于狭义的PPP模式主要指的时某种特许经营的一种公司合营的模式。以此实现对铁路建设PPP项目的投资回收和投资收益的保障支持措施进行深化,并且也能进一步解决PPP项目的障碍,有效促进铁路建设PPP项目的发展。 In recent years, with the continuous development of railway projects, the railroad construction investment market has shown a diversified development. “Thirteen Five ” during the investment is expected to reach 4.3 trillion. From January to October, the fixed railway investment in the country was 623.4 billion yuan, an increase of 9.8% over the same period of last year. It is estimated that the investment in railway fixed assets will be close to 9,000 billion in 2016. It is estimated that the total railway investment during the “13th Five-Year Plan” is expected to exceed 4.3 Trillion, with an average annual investment of more than 860 billion. Intercity Railway will be the focus of investment during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period. According to the statistics, it is estimated that the number of completed intercity railways will reach 10,831 kilometers during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, 3.1 times the number during the “12th Five-Year Plan” period, with an investment of 1.4 trillion yuan, accounting for 13% Five "for the railway investment 32%. In the face of the actual development of the railway and the lack of relevant funds, it is unrealistic to face such a huge investment quota completely by the government. Therefore, railway construction needs to adapt to the financing methods that are relevant and suitable to our national conditions. Among these PPP mode is the most suitable way. Compared with the PPP mode, its main point is broad and narrow sense. Broadly defined PPP model mainly refers to the government and private enterprises in order to establish a certain relationship between the public service for the narrow PPP model refers mainly to a franchise when a company joint venture model. In order to deepen the guarantee measures for the investment recovery and investment income of railway construction PPP projects, and also to further solve the obstacles of PPP projects and effectively promote the development of railway construction PPP projects.
The pattern recognition proteins(PRPs) play a major role in immune response of crustacean to resist pathogens.In the present study,as one of PRPs,lipopolysaccha
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