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著名经济学家董辅扔前不久在长沙作了一场报告,引起了社会各界的关注。现将其中一些重要论点摘引如下。国有企业改革,哪些该进,哪些该退,哪些该抓,哪些该不抓,应该根据企业功能而不是企业大小来决定。国有企业哪些该放,哪些不该放,哪些要进,哪些要退,不是根据企业的大小而是根据企业的功能来决定。具体这么来划分,六类企业是要保留的国有企业:第一类就是满足公共需要的,提供公共产品服务的企业,归国家所有或国家控股,如城市里面的公共交通不是盈利性的,应该是国有的;第二类是政策性的,就是为政府政策提供支持的企业,那是要国有的。我们国家的政策性银行,还有为调节市场粮食供需的储备的企业;第三类涉及到国家安全的企业,如制造货币的企业、制造军火的企业这类企业在我们国家是国家所有或国家控股;第四类是自然垄断企业,在我们国家,自 Not long ago, the famous economist Dong Fu threw a report in Changsha, arousing the public's attention. Here are some of the important points cited below. The reform of state-owned enterprises, which should be entered, which should be retreated, which should be grasped, and which should not be grasped, should be determined according to the function of the enterprise rather than the size of the enterprise. Which state-owned enterprises should be put, which should not be put, which should be entered, which should be withdrawn, not according to the size of the enterprise, but according to the function of the enterprise. Specifically speaking, the six types of enterprises are state-owned enterprises to be retained. The first category is those enterprises that provide public goods and services that meet the public needs and are owned by the state or controlled by the state. For example, public transport in a city is not profitable and should be Is state-owned; the second category is policy-oriented, that is, enterprises that provide support for government policies are state-owned. The policy banks in our country are also those that regulate the supply and demand of grain in the market. The third category is those related to national security, such as the manufacturing of currency and the manufacturing of arms. Such enterprises are state-owned or state-owned in our country Holding; the fourth category is a natural monopoly enterprises in our country, since
摘要 丁梅斯代尔是霍桑在其代表作《红字》中塑造的一个复杂矛盾但生动鲜活的立体形象,本文以弗洛伊德的人格结构三重理论为基础,从本我的苏醒与释放、自我的妥协与努力、超我的惩戒与实现这三个方面深入探究了丁梅斯代尔的人格发展历程。  关键词:人格结构 本我 自我 超我  一 引言  纳撒尼尔·霍桑是19世纪美国伟大的浪漫主义小说家,其代表作《红字》自问世以来,便受到广大读者和评论家的高度好评。在这部不朽的
作为一家高速发展的公司,方正电子每年所招聘的大学生数量一直稳定在100—120人。其中80%的人员是专业技术人员,20%是其它业务和职能管理人员。 As a fast-growing company,
期中考试时,我发现同年级的赵帅同学怔怔地坐在椅子上,手中玩着笔,无精打采地盯着卷子一字不写。我低声问:“你怎么还不答卷?”不想这 During the mid-term exam, I discove