Application of Brainstorming in English Teaching and Learning

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  Brainstorming is a group and creative method to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering ideas of all members. People are required to think and propose a series of methods related to the problem within a certain time, which provides people with various ways to see a problem from different perspectives. Combined with English study, this method integrates what we have learnt and new knowledge together and one may find it relatively easy to learn English with the help of information shared by all members.
  1. Models of brainstorming
  (1) Stimulating—teachers assign tasks according to certain contents prepared before so that students’ mind can be stimulated.
  (2) Retaining—students gather materials from the stimulated knowledge schema in order to pave the way for storming.
  (3) Storming—students are encouraged to provide as much information as possible that is gathered before within a particular time.
  (4) Checking—time for one student cannot be much too long and it is sometimes accepted to call a halt when students still have something else to convey.
  (5) Inspiring—students should be encouraged, guided and inspired when they have difficulty in making themselves clear.
  2. Teaching principles of brainstorming
  (1) Teachers’ roles are dynamic
  Teachers play different roles in different stages in this interactive teaching method. In the first stage, teachers are designers—design the forms and tasks of activities according to characteristics of students and contents of teaching materials. In the second stage, teachers are organizers of activities—instruct students in the process of activities. In the third stage, teachers are promoters in teaching—give students necessary help when they have difficulties. In the fourth stage, teachers are evaluators of activities—give evaluations and put forward some suggestions.
  (2) Cooperate and share information with others
  The cooperation here has two meanings. First, teachers and students share information with each other in the process of information transmission. Second, they help each other in the process of information processing. Teachers should encourage and inspire students to put forward their own understanding toward certain problems and thus, one’s image can be enriched by other’s viewpoint.
  (3) Create a free academic atmosphere
  A free academic atmosphere should be created so as to promote learning. For example, encourage students as much as possible to express themselves and do not interrupt their speaking; opinions of all students should be respected; give more positive evaluation to students, etc.   3. Application of brainstorming
  (1) Vocabulary
  When new words are introduced, teachers can inspire students to remember related words and phrases they have learnt before. Students can be grouped to share what they have borne in mind within the group, and compete with other groups as to which one has found more. And it is also accepted that they find information through Internet, so that they can learn more words.
  (2) Lead-in
  Before teachers begin their class, they can set a question related to the text and give students several minutes to think about it before they share it with the whole class. Students can say anything they are interested related to the topic and thus students can understand it from different perspectives.
  (3) Oral English
  Many students are afraid of speaking English in public because they are not able to express themselves clearly with words in their mind. Therefore, before discussion, teachers ought to guide students to think of all the words related to the topic, which will set the stage for their discussion and students will not be hindered by limited vocabulary.
  (4) Writing
  In the process of traditional teaching, it is always teachers that assign a topic and students write based on it. Students always have no idea what they can write to support their idea. So before they start to write, teachers are supposed to guide students to share information by cooperation so that every student will have something to write.
  Brainstorming can be adopted throughout the teaching of English, by which English class can be much more active and students will be more interested in it. One important point is that there must be a balance among active students and silent ones. Opportunities should be given to all of them to express themselves and make sure they all have their own understanding instead of following others’ ideas.
【摘要】大學英语是大学教学体系中的重要组成部分。英美文学作为英美地区人文精神和语言文化的结晶,对于大学英语的教学具有独特的作用。英美文学渗透在大学英语教学中,有利于培养学生的人文素养,提升学生的英语运用和交流能力,对于大学英语教学具有重要的意义。因此,大学英语教师应该提高对于英美文学的重视程度,通过将英美文学与英语教学相结合,全方位的对学生的英语能力进行培养,提升大学英语教学的教学效果。  【关键
【摘要】学术界对评价还没有统一的界定,教育评价具有多样化的特点。教师专业发展评价可以理解为对个体教师专业发展程度的评价,和对教师专业发展活动的评价,两种评价存在关联性。  【关键词】评价 专业发展程度 专业发展活动  “评价”一词的英文是“evaluation”,在《现代汉语词典》中的词条是“引出和阐发价值”。然而,在学术界,目前对评价还没有统一的界定,不同的学者对评价有不同的理解。在这些关于评价
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【摘要】在高校英语教学中,语法教学作为其中重要的一个环节,对英语教学质量的提升发挥着关键的作用,但英语语法知识系统性、灵活性、复杂性的特点,又给教师的教和學生的学造成很大的困扰,因此积极转变传统的英语语法教学模式,以推动高校英语语法教学顺利突破瓶颈,走出困境。认知语言学构架下的高校英语语法教学发应运而生,并得到了广泛的应用,取得了较好的效果。  【关键词】认知语言学构架 高校英语 语法教学  随着