
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suyu_001
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这里的“小报告”是指幼儿向成人反映某种不正常的现象,通常发生在自己或他人受到别人欺负及受到不公正待遇时。幼儿“打小报告”的原因是什么呢?一、是非判断能力发展的表现道德是调整人们相互关系的行为准则和规范的总和。从心理学角度看,道德有三个基本成分:道德认知、道德情感和道德行为。在婴儿阶段,儿童已经能初步理解什么是“好”,什么是“坏”,并能作出合乎成人要求的道德行为。在幼儿阶段;儿童的道德认知进一步发展,他们对是非、善恶行为准则和社会道德规范有了认识。比如,“平平抢别人的玩具”“明明不收拾玩具就吃点心”诸如此类的“小报告”实际上是幼儿根据社会道德规范对别的小朋友的行为作出判断。对于这类“小报告”教师应视为一种可喜的现象,及时加以肯定、鼓励,并引导幼儿共同商讨解决问题的方法。二、试探心理的行为反应有些幼儿对某些事情难以作出是非判断,因而来试探教师对这一事情的反应。如果教师持肯定或不在乎的态度,幼儿则会模仿这一行为。比如,晶晶说:“老师,辉辉一 The “small report” here refers to the phenomenon in which an infant reflects an abnormal phenomenon to an adult, usually when he or she is bullied by others and treated unfairly. What are the reasons why young children make small reports? One is the performance of non-judgment ability. Morality is the sum of the codes of conduct and norms that adjust people’s mutual relations. From a psychological point of view, there are three basic elements of morality: moral cognition, moral emotion and moral behavior. In the infancy stage, children have been able to initially understand what is “good”, what is “bad” and can make ethical behavior that meets the requirements of adults. At the toddler stage, children’s moral awareness develops further, and their understanding of right and wrong, good and evil code of conduct and social ethics are recognized. For example, “flat grab other people’s toys” “obviously do not tidy up the toys to eat snacks” and so on. “Small report” is actually a child according to social ethics to judge the behavior of other children. Teachers of such “mini-reports” should be regarded as a gratifying phenomenon in time to affirm, encourage and guide young children to jointly discuss ways to solve the problem. Second, the temptation to respond to psychological behavior Some children are difficult to make some judgments on certain things, so to test the teacher’s response to this. If the teacher holds a positive or careless attitude, young children will imitate this behavior. For example, Jingjing said: "Teacher, Huihui one
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