
来源 :北京农业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuyan425
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1作业前做好准备工作①制订小段作业计划。②全面检查机具技术状态,按农业技术要求和机务技术要求进行安装、调整,如调节器整株行距、播量划印器等,并实地操作试验,将隐患排除在作业之前。③查看地块和道路,视土质、墒情和地温等情况,确定作业时间和方法,合理划区,减少地头转弯。④备足油、物料。2合理运用农机具①合理编组,尽可能并联多台农具作业。②使用要得当,尽量减少拖拉机进地次数,抓住墒情作业,严格按农业耕作技术要求办事,保证作业质量。③正确操作。拖拉机的启动、驾驶、停车、熄火,以及驾驶中的转向、变速;制动、供油等各项操作,都与油耗有直接关系,要保持启动装置完好, 1Prepare to prepare work ①Development of short-term operation plan. ②Check out the technical condition of the equipment comprehensively, install and adjust according to the technical requirements of agriculture and technical requirements of the machine, such as adjusting the whole row spacing of the regulator, scribing sowing etc, and conducting field tests to eliminate the hidden dangers before the operation. ③ view plots and roads, depending on soil quality, soil moisture and temperature and other conditions, determine the operation time and methods, reasonable zoning, reduce the turn of the ground. ④ prepared enough oil, materials. 2 rational use of farm machinery ① a reasonable grouping, as much as possible parallel operation of farm tools. ② to use properly, try to reduce the number of tractors into the ground, grasp the moisture operation, in strict accordance with agricultural farming technical requirements, to ensure job quality. ③ correct operation. Tractor start, driving, parking, turn off, as well as driving in the steering, variable speed; brake, fuel supply and other operations, are directly related to fuel consumption, to keep the starting device intact,
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Objective:To evaluatethemicrosatelliteinstability(MSI),expressionof mismatchrepair(MMR)gene(hMLH1,hMSH2)andproliferationkineticsincolorectalcancer(CRC)withfamil
我的老家在偏僻的山区,屋前屋后都是山,长着茂密的森林。山间的峡谷地带,有一片农田。田间可以看到牛、羊在吃草。水塘里有一群群的鹅和鸭子。  爷爷说,二十年前这里没有电,没有自来水,没有马路。只有大山和山泉,出门全靠两条腿,运输全靠结实的肩膀。晚上点的是松油灯。因为农田少,大米很宝贵。爷爷说,他小时候要赤着脚走好几千米路去上学。  现在,老家变了样,新修了马路,交通方便多了。原来下了车还要走好几千米路