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45年对一个人来说走过生命的半个历程,对刚满45周岁的中华全国世界语协会来说,也许才刚刚绽开生命的花蕾。这一天没有隆重的庆典,没有纷至沓来的礼仪贺电,虽然只是有60多人参加的一次集会,但 For 45 years, a half-life journey for one person has probably only blossomed into the bud of life for the China National Esperanto Association, which has just turned 45. There were no grand celebrations on this day. There was no ceremonial congratulatory message. Although there was only one gathering attended by more than 60 people,
“The Mummy” ,an American film,set early in the twentieth century, is one full of horror. The story goes like this:The soldier Rick O’Connell finds himself h
亚洲[印度]印度班加罗尔世界语中心为救济在去年9月份所发生地震的受难者向全世界发起募捐活动,凡愿捐款者请寄往:Bangalora E-Centro,97,24th Cross,3rd Block East,Jayana
时下,多数人感叹生意难做!可是,山东烟台孙青林,紧盯学生这一庞大消费市场引进学生休闲食品——台湾小馋猫钵钵糕,专门针对广大学生、面向学校店铺批发,仅一个多月时间,就创收9000元。   孙青林从教育局得知,一县市有中小学生15-30万名,他们最喜欢吃休闲食品。今年五月,孙青林打探到台湾小馋猫钵钵糕,不用机器不用电,采用天然红豆、绿豆、果酱、淀粉等结合古色古香专用钵钵,再经独特工艺制成的学生休闲食品
Li stariis,iris malalti la televidilon,kaj ekri-gardis sian edzinon,i reciprokis lian maltrankvilan esp-rimon.“Cu tio estis konsilinda?”i demandis.Li kun-pre
Canada is a very large country. It has an area of nearly 10 million square kilometres. To the west of it is the Pacific Ocean. To the east is the Atlantic Ocea
En la mezo de la sesdekaj jaroj,usonaeksperimenta psikologo James J.Asher em-fazis,ke oni devas kulturi la adkapablon kajkomprenkapablon kiel unikan celon dum
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