
来源 :哲学译丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kjtx123
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语言膨胀在当代哲学中是一个熟知的事实。认为这个现象是与基于“事物自身”,基于(超出语言的)实在的大陆(欧洲)思想相反,只限于“语言哲学”盛行的英美世界,这是错误的。只须浏览一下大陆传统的近期(1950年以后的)著作就会清楚地认识到,在法国和德国,哲学实际上被语言所困扰。语言膨胀为什么会存在于当代哲学中呢?能把这一现象的德国或法国形式与英美所显示的形式相比较吗?能够发现一个概念来统一这多种形式的困扰吗?这些就是本文所要讨论的问题。艾耶尔写道:“我确信哲学不能直接同科学相竞争。如此说来,哲学事实上是一种次要的活动。换句话说,哲学不直接与事实相关,而与我们表述它 Language expansion is a well-known fact in contemporary philosophy. It is wrong to think that this phenomenon is contrary to the mainland (Europe) thought based on “the thing itself” and based on (beyond language) reality and confined to the Anglo-American world prevailing in “language philosophy.” Just a glance at the traditional mainland works of the recent post-1950s clearly reveals that in France and Germany philosophy is in fact plagued by language. Why does the expansion of language exist in contemporary philosophy? Can the German or French form of this phenomenon be compared with that of the Anglo-American form? Can a concept be found to unify these various forms of distress? These are the topics to be discussed in this article The problem. Ayer wrote: "I am convinced that philosophy can not compete directly with science, and in this sense, philosophy is in fact a secondary activity.In other words, philosophy is not directly related to facts, and we express it
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