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上海市郊县水泥工业,是目前上海市郊县工业中的主要工业之一。70年代初,在全国大兴水利建设的推动下,郊区广大农村需要大量水泥。因此上海市郊的10个县相继建造了县办水泥厂。到1983年,水泥生产能力年产达40万吨。由于水泥紧缺,郊县的一些乡也纷纷创办了一批水泥厂。后经淘汰、整顿,保留下十来个乡办水泥厂。目前,上海郊县共有19个水泥厂,年生产能力达140万吨,实际产量80万吨,占全市水泥总产量的三分之一左右,大大缓解了本地区水泥供需的矛盾。为了改进县、乡办水泥厂的设备、技术和提高产 The cement industry in the suburbs of Shanghai is one of the major industries in the suburban and county industries in Shanghai. In the early 1970s, with the promotion of water conservancy throughout the country, vast rural areas in the suburbs needed a lot of cement. Therefore, 10 counties in the suburbs of Shanghai have successively constructed county office cement plants. By 1983, the annual cement production capacity reached 400,000 tons. Due to the shortage of cement, some townships in suburban counties have also set up a batch of cement plants. After being eliminated and rectified, the following ten rural cement factories were retained. At present, there are 19 cement plants in the suburbs of Shanghai, with an annual production capacity of 1.4 million tons and an actual production of 800,000 tons, accounting for about one-third of the city’s total cement output, which greatly eases the contradiction between cement supply and demand in the region. In order to improve the equipment and technology of the cement factories at the county and township level and increase production
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<正> 1989年以来,建设领域进一步贯彻中央治理整顿的方针,压缩投资规模,控制新开工项目已初见成效,主要表现在以下几个方面: 1、投资规模得到初步控制。新开工项目大量减少,
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快速城市化导致城市特色地域文化的流失。保护地域文化成为一个严峻的问题亟待解决。本文采用了个案分析法,通过分析地域文化在主题公园中的体现,引导主题公园如何应用地域文化的各个要素,从实体形态和文化内涵两个方面对地域文化起到保护的作用。本文探索了一条新的思路去解决地域文化的保护和传承问题,对地域文化的保护有着重要意义。  【关键词】地域文化;主题公园;保护  地域文化是中华民族的宝贵财富。地域文化的发展
1990年7月20日至22日,林宗棠部长在上海航空工业公司亲自主持召开了MD—82飞机质量管理研讨会,部属14个单位主要负责同志参加了会议。与会同志普遍反映收获较大。 From July