模式 整合 突破——中国茶产业的未来之路在哪里?

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中华茶人联谊会常务副理事长、中粮集团总裁助理朱福堂,以“超越茶叶采茶业”为题发表了可以说是代表了“中茶”及许多企业的看法:我们生活在一个变革的时代,这个时代最难的事情,不是技术,不是资金,也不是人才,而是对未来趋势的判断。因为这个世界变化太快了,如果在十年前,或者五年前,哪位拿现在使用的苹果手机,告诉你五年以后会改变手机市场的格局,我觉得你不会相信,但是事实告诉我们,现实也教育了我们苹果手机成功了。很多的时候我们总是喜欢用过去的经验来判断未来,而很少用对未来趋势的把握来规划现在。过去经营的局限性让我们几乎看不到未来的模样,一叶障目,永远是少数人,少数有梦想的人,永远是我们在座的各位茶人。我们的茶叶有5000年历史,同样我想还会有5000年的未来。这个未来当中我们需要苹果这样来思考未来,创造新的茶叶企业和茶叶产业,更广阔的空间或更广阔茶产业的未来。苹果的成功源于创新,源于对客户的需求,那么的不可思议。在乔布斯对自己价值观执着追求的时候释放出来。我们说不清楚是苹果满足了市场的需求,还是创造了市场的需求,这一切超越了最简单的市场分析原理。因为乔布斯的人生观决定了这一切,他曾经说过生命是用来改变这个世界的。再看看我们今天的茶产业,更多的开始追求健康,茶产业的背后其实也是关系了一个健康的产业,有关生命的产业,喝茶的人多长寿。今天我们看见了,前面老前辈都是非常爱喝茶的人。这就告诉我们一个事实,喝茶能长寿的,茶是有关我们生命工程的行业。茶叶是一种饮品,也是让我们通向另外一个领域的桥梁。如何利用茶叶进入更广阔的市场空间,是我们真正认识茶价值的开始,因为我们的茶叶是可以改善我们生命的。时代在变,我们的思想观念也应该变,突破是一个追求梦想的必然之路。 The Executive Vice President of the China Tea People Association and Assistant President of COFCO, Zhu Futang, issued the title of “Exceeding Tea Tea Extracting Industry,” which can be said to represent ”China Tea” and the views of many companies: We live in In an era of change, the hardest thing in this era is not technology, capital, nor talent, but a judgment of future trends. Because the world is changing so fast, if ten years ago, or five years ago, which of the Apple iPhones that you use today tells you that the pattern of the mobile phone market will change five years later, I don’t think you believe it, but the facts tell We, reality also educated us on the success of Apple’s mobile phone. Many times we always like to use the past experience to judge the future, but rarely use the grasp of future trends to plan the present. In the past, the limitations of the business made us hardly see the future. The blindness is always a few people. A few people who have dreams are always the tea people we have here. Our tea has a history of 5,000 years and I also think there will be a future of 5,000 years. In the future, we need Apple to think about the future and create new tea companies and tea industry, a broader space or the future of a broader tea industry. Apple’s success stems from innovation, from the needs of customers, so incredible. It was released when Jobs pursued his values. We can’t say clearly whether Apple satisfies the needs of the market or created the needs of the market. All this goes beyond the simplest principle of market analysis. Because Steve Jobs’s outlook on life determines this, he once said that life is used to change the world. Let’s take a look at our tea industry today and start to pursue health more. The fact behind the tea industry is also related to a healthy industry. The life-related industries and people who drink tea live longer. Today we saw that the old people in front of us are very much like to drink tea. This tells us the fact that drinking tea can live long, and tea is an industry related to our life engineering. Tea is a drink and it is a bridge that allows us to reach another area. How to use tea to enter a broader market space is the beginning of our true understanding of the value of tea because our tea can improve our lives. The times are changing, and our ideas and concepts should also be changed. Breakthroughs are an inevitable way of pursuing our dreams.
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数据说话——日前,广东省有关部门对农资产品进行了抽检,结果合格率为50%- 60%。——近日,四川省有关部门发出2005年第3号消费警示,提醒广大农民消费者:市场上有近40%的化肥