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《天山景物记》是一篇内容充实、词章华美的散文,可谓字字珠玑,美不胜收,可讲的地方实在是很多。但根据学生读写的实际程度,我决定以“按一定的顺序记叙”和“抓住特点写景”两点作为教学重点,用两课时完成这一教学任务。学生自读之后,对课文内容已大体了解,对天山景物的秀美也已有了一个初步的印象。在此基础上,我问:天山连绵几千里,景物又如此繁多,要有条有理地写出来,就必须有一定的顺序,本文作者是按照什么顺序来组织材料的呢?接着告诉学生:这篇游记散文,主要是按空间位置的转移为顺序来组织材料的,而在表示空间位置转移的地方,通常都有表示过渡的词、句或段,起承上启下、 “Tianshan Scenery in mind” is a full content, colorful essay chapters, can be described as colorful, beautiful, can speak a lot of places. However, according to the actual degree of students' reading and writing, I decided to focus on teaching “remembering in a certain order” and “grasping the characteristics of the scene”, and completed the teaching task in two classes. Since the students read, the content of the text has been generally understood, the beautiful scenery of the Tianshan also had a preliminary impression. On this basis, I asked: Tianshan Mountains thousands of miles, the scene is so numerous, written in a reasonable manner, there must be a certain order, the author is in accordance with the order of how to organize the material? Then tell the students: This travelogue essay mainly organizes material according to the transfer of the spatial position, and in the place where the spatial position is shifted, there are usually words, sentences or paragraphs representing the transition,
Objective: To investigate an effective method to prevent anastomotic leakage and stenosis, evaluating the role of stapling technique in surgical treatyment of e
本文将立场、策略、研究、以及概念思维作为批判性建筑实践的重要组成部分进行了讨论。 This article discusses positions, strategies, research, and conceptual thinkin