
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ares_ding
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The potential therapeutic role of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in epilepsy has been increasingly recognized. We investigated the effects of low-frequency rTMS in a patient with epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) due to cortical dysplasia. A 31-year-old female patient experienced EPC in the right upper and lower extremities, which had lasted for 15 years without generalized seizures. MRI showed focal megaencephaly around the motor cortex suggestive of cortical dysplasia. A figure of eight magnetic coil was placed over the hand motor area, and 100 stimuli with an intensity at 90%of motor threshold were given at 0.5 Hz. Immediately after rTMS, EPC was nearly abolished. The effects had continued approximately for 2 months, and the second trial resulted in the similar effects and time-course. Low-frequency rTMS was safe and well tolerated in this patient. These findings support the concept that rTMS decreases cortical excitability, and may be an effective treatment for focal partial seizures. The potential therapeutic role of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in epilepsy has been increased recognized. We investigated the effects of low-frequency rTMS in a patient with epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) due to cortical dysplasia. A 31-year-old female patient experienced EPC in the right upper and lower extremities, which had lasted for 15 years without generalized seizures. MRI showed focal megaencephaly around the motor cortex suggestive of cortical dysplasia. A figure of eight magnetic coil was placed over the hand motor area, and 100 stimuli with an intensity at 90% of motor threshold were given at 0.5 Hz. Immediately after rTMS, EPC was nearly started for 2 months, and the second trial resulted in similar effects and time-course. Low- frequency rTMS was safe and well tolerated in this patient. These findings support the concept that rTMS decreases cortical excitability, and may be an effective treatment fo r focal partial seizures.
我们“第26号发现教室”的师生们乘车来到绥宁县唐家坊镇上白沙村,聆听唐成刚爷爷传唱“二十四孝歌”。  唐爷爷给我们传唱了《百里负米》《芦衣顺母》《卖身葬父》《涌泉跃鲤》《卧冰求鲤》等故事编成的歌谣。他见我们听得起劲,不想离开,又声情并茂地讲述母亲育儿的不易:“……右边湿了左边睡,左边湿了右边睡;倘若两边都湿了,睡在母亲肚皮上……”讲着讲着,老人家眼眶湿润了。老师的眼睛湿润了,我们的眼眶也湿润了。我
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“大年廿八,家家打糍粑。”  一大早我就闻到有股糯米饭的香味从厨房里飘出来。妈妈早就蒸好糯米饭,准备打糍粑了。  我家没有石粑槽和木杵。妈妈想了个好办法,用布袋代替粑槽,用铁锤代替木杵。妈妈把热气腾腾的糯米饭倒入布袋中,爸爸用铁锤在布袋上不停捶打。  我见爸爸打得起劲,心里也痒痒的,嚷着让我也来过一把瘾。爸爸把锤子递给我,反复叮嘱我千万别砸伤手。我接过锤子,左手扶布袋,右手抡锤子,捶打得不亦乐乎。