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毒化地球确非易事,因为地球总是努力地为自己除垢去污,恢复原貌。考虑到这一点,我们就要尽可能地从以下物质中生产出废料。如铀238,其半衰期为100万年,或者是钚,其半衰期为50万年。它们具有剧毒性。如果均匀分配的话,10磅的钚就能毒死地球上的一切生灵。美国每年生产大约18万吨钚。因此,这是能够长期毒化地球的最好物质。如果我们建造更多的核电站,它将有助于这一目的。因为一个核电站每年能生产500磅钚。当然,我们还必须使用包括诸如聚氯联苯和滴滴涕在内的这类具有持久毒效的化 Poisoning the earth is not an easy task, because Earth is always trying hard to decontaminate and decontaminate itself. With this in mind, we will try to produce as much material as possible from the following materials. Such as uranium 238, its half-life of 100 million years, or plutonium, its half-life of 500,000 years. They are highly toxic. If evenly distributed, 10 pounds of plutonium can poison all living creatures on Earth. The United States produces about 180,000 tons of plutonium a year. Therefore, this is the best substance that can poison the earth for a long time. If we build more nuclear power plants, it will help that. Because a nuclear power plant can produce 500 pounds of plutonium a year. Of course, we must also use such drugs that have long-lasting toxic effects, such as PCBs and DDT
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在古代的帝王中,光武帝刘秀堪称最具人气的“励志帝”。当年,他赴首都长安求学,说了一句激励自己、也让后世艳慕不已的话:“仕宦当作执金吾,娶妻当得阴丽华。”  当官要当执金吾那样的大官,这个好理解,阴丽华者谁?何以能让年轻的刘秀作为梦中情人,昼思夜想,当作娶妻的标准呢?  阴丽华是南阳新野一个大家闺秀。阴氏家族富甲一方,不光有钱,阴小姐长得还特别美丽,正是这种美丽,刘秀在见到这个邻家小妹的第一眼,便有
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