Role of CD59 in T cell activation induced by non-lethal complement attack

来源 :中国人民解放军军医大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foxdeng
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To study the mechanism ofT-cell activation induced by non-lethal complement attack and the role of CD59 in this process. Methods: Human CD59 and its transmembrane counterpart CD59TM cDNA were transfected into murine thymoma EL-4 cells. Activation and proliferation of EL-4 transfectants were observed with MTT assay.Results: Both CD59 and CD59 TM cDNA expressed on EL-4 cells effectively inhibited complement-mediated membrane damage. Cross-linking of CD59 with antibody induced activation of CD59/EL-4 cells but not CD59TM/EL-4cells. This effect was inhibited by Herbimycin A, a special protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibitor. Non-lethal complement attack induced CD59/EL-4 but not CD59TM/EL-4 cell to proliferate, and this reaction was not blocked by Herbimycin A. Conclusion: CD59 takes part in T cell activation induced by non-lethal complement attack. The mechanisms of T cell activation induced by non-lethal complement attack are different from those by cross-linking of CD59.
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