Wu Yongsheng:An on-the-spot report on rapid development of textile machinery industry

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  Special fiber machinery production adapting to age demand
  The concept of “three pillar industries” was put forward in traditional textile industry. The development of industrial textiles wasn’t on the agenda some time ago. After the implementation of reform and openingup policy, the textile industry has developed rapidly due to the promotion of reform and market, which has made a great contribution to society and become a highlight during its development process.
  In 2017, since the development demand of industrial textiles used in health care, civil construction, transportation, filtration and separation, structural reinforcing, security and protection and other industries, the yield of industrial textiles had reached up to 15.48 million tons, main business income had been improved to more than 290 billion Yuan, which could not only meet domestic demand, but also foreign export.
  Where does the developmental motivation come from? How to realize development due to the promotion of the reform and opening-up policy and market? These issues are coming from domestic technology and equipment manufacturing industry.
  At the beginning of the reform and opening-up policy, both collar interlining of shirt and lining cloth of clothing were imported, and so did the raw materials and equipment used in pulping point dusting process. Afterwards, the production line of hot-melt technique was introduced from overseas, the production line of hot wind and hot rolling process was purchased from Taiwan, the assembly line of recycled fiber for bottle grade plastics was purchased from Taiwan, and the production line of spunlace process was introduced from overseas by different enterprises respectively.
  Gradually, we recognized that industrial textile had short processes, relatively extensive economic benefit and purpose, hence the equipment for napkin, sanitary towel, civil construction, transportation and spunlace as well as needle punching process were appeared accordingly. Due to wide application and rapid increase of yield, the technology equipment was manufactured on a national scale gradually. In 2017, the output had reached up to 15.48 million tons.
  Nowadays, the domestically produced technology equipment of industrial textiles has basically complete varieties and specifications. The traditional bonding process, hot wind process and hot rolling process have been eliminated basically, the new equipment mainly include a complete set of technical equipment for spun-bonding process, hair spray process, spunlace process and needle punching technology.   In terms of the equipment package from slice configuration to screw extrusion, from melt pipe to spun-bonding production of spinning and hot rolling, the varieties and specifications are all in readiness. In addition, the varieties and specifications from chips conveying to automatic production line of complete set of technological equipment melt-blowing formed in spinning system are also complete. Meanwhile, the stacked usage approach also can be adopted, namely S+M+S or M+M+S and S+S manufacturing technique, thus varieties of different specifications can be manu-factured, to meet market requirement.
  For the production line of complete technology and equipment from mixing, weighing, carding web and spunlace of different raw materials to spunlace of dry cutting, the technology has been greatly improved. Not only chemical fiber blended raw material but also newly developed purified cotton fiber can be utilized, to manufacture high-end spunlace non-woven fabric.
  By virtue of our own proprietary technology and above devices, the domestic market requirement can be supplied, and the products can be also exported abroad for winning our own reputation and propagating Chinese brand.
  The toughest issue of producing industrial textiles is needle punching production line, of which superspeed needle punching is the most important thing, and there are two enterprises manufacturing this products all around the world. Needle punching production line can produce industrial textiles, including flimsy material and carpet fabrics, the complete set of technology is relatively difficult. However, due to our own advantage and technological innovation, this technology can be produced throughout the world, and we have formed our own proprietary technology. At present, the production technology and equipment for pre-needling, upper needle punching, lower needle punching and needle punching in design and color have matured, which can provide complete set of production line.
  The industrial textiles has wide concept and broad prospect, the mature system products also consist of cloth fabric of chemical fiber and tufted carpet production line except for the above varieties; meanwhile, the complete set of technology equipment is also generated.
  Besides, there is a complete set of technological equipment for recycling spinning production of polyester plastic bottle used in urban mines excavation.
  Furthermore, the complete set of technology equipment for producing industrial parts after recycling, cleaning, crushing, carding, wet formation and resin drying of waste textiles has also been mature.   Luckily, the level of technical equipment for weaving, pre-pretreatment, thermosetting and molding of carbon fiber can be comparable with overseas enterprises after China’s carbon fiber has production capacity. This industry has entered into military and automotive industries, which has new starting point.
  Military, police and other special fabrics for the protection products market are in urgent need of our continued development. Industrial textiles industry, in a manner of speaking, has broad market and is in the ascendant.
  Noteworthy historical experience
  We are all practitioners of theory in the course of reform and development.
  Looking back to forty years of social change, textile machinery industry has experienced rapid, sustained and healthy development, which is because party’s correct leadership, promotion of reform and opening up policy, market, science and technology, and the initiative of enterprises.
  Thanks to the correct leadership of party, we study hard, understand and carry out a series of policies and guidelines through regarding them as our guiding ideology and a guide of action. Through historical practice, we are able to strengthen “four consciousness” and improve “confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics” policies.
  Due to the reform and opening-up policy, the productive forces are emancipated and the development of productive forces is accelerated. Reform is the motive force and source of development, only adhering to the reform and opening-up policy, the development of textile machinery industry can be promoted. Opening-up is the premise of emancipating our minds and widening horizon, through observing new things and learning new knowledge, the development can be promoted and our own strength can be improved.
  The reform and opening-up policy should be carried out step by step, and the implementation of it has objective laws.
  From primitive communist society to feudalistic society and then communist society, human society develops constantly. Socialism and capitalism are the transitional period to enter into communism, hence we are still at the primary stage of socialism currently.
  Socio-economic development should also abide by the rule, namely from natural economy to market economy and then product economy stage. The commodity economy of our country has relatively short process, the commodity production does not conform to economic and social development, so the third plenary session of the 12th CPC Central Committee proposed that commodity economy is an indispensable stage. Com-modity economy still has very long road to be able to enter product economy level, hence we should rapidly develop socialist commodity economy and perfect commodity economy.   As the development process of textile industry, our textile machinery industry enters planned commodity economy level through the exploration of the reform and opening-up policy and decades of single planned economy. The plan is the form of goods and commodities are parts of the plan, which is the socall “double-track pricing system” to a certain extent. Afterwards, we can enter into the new age of the development of socialist market economy with deep development of our country’s reform and opening-up.
  Market pulling means to adhere to the concept of people-centered development, and the scientific development should abide by market-oriented principle. The production of textile industry directly contact with the market and the people; while textile machinery industry directly enters into the market. Textile machinery production enters into market-oriented economy quickly from planned economy, which shoulders dual social responsibilities, namely serving market and leading market.
  The new concept of innovation drive and scientific support should be observed. Our country is a textile production country and consumption power, we have accumulated rich experience through production and consumption link.
  Innovation is the driving force for development. Recently, textile machinery industry has realized reinnovation from original innovation through practice inheritance innovation. Through introduction of technology and digestive absorption, re-innovation can be realized. Integrated innovation and systematic innovation can be realized from individual innovation.
  The initiative of enterprises is very important. The enterprise, as the creator and producer of economic entity and material object, is the subject of reform and development. The development of economic society relies on the initiative of enterprises because the initiative of enterprises brings about the combination of office (politics), production, study, research and application accordingly, forming joint scientific development. Opening to the outside world can realize win-win, and realize cross-departmental and cross-industry alliances, which have been proved.
  The so-call office refers to the policy support of government and the guidance of industrial development direction.
  The so-call production means the unitized production unit between dominant producer of technology equipment as well as social production and collaboration.
  The above study refers to close connection between talents in academies and education team, professional theoretical basis and the practice of frontier technology. Besides, it includes professional thought of students, the combination of theory and practice, which won’t be realized without strength.   The so-called research refers to the scientific strength of research institutes. Only the scientific strength has clear direction and specific topics, the scientific research project will obtain efficiency and benefits. Design and manufacturing promotion for intelligent dyeing system of Companion Company is a typical example.
  The so-called application means to access to the market and contacts with the commodities users, which is the ultimate embodiment of textile machinery commodities. Serving the users should embody commodity applicability of commodity producers, advancement of product technology, reliability of product quality, and timeliness of technical services.
  Finally, the producer of textile machinery products will change the products into commodities, to satisfy the users.
  “Dichotomous approach” of learning practice Promotion discussion
  Things always exist as a process. Achievements only represent the past and the development is the future. To see things in two ways can promote the development.
  Nowadays, the new period of socialism with Chinese characteristics put forward by President, Xi Jinping has already begun, and we have new goal, measures and development. Don’t forget the original heart, remember the mission, continue to move forward.
  Looking back to find out where is our gap? First of all, there are many weaknesses in our industry due to incomprehension and lacking of implementation force. In the short term, the relationship between quality and benefit cannot be handled correctly, which should convert to highquality development from high growth rate. Quality must always come first, the priority implementation of efficiency is not enough, meanwhile,the quality problem and technical level problem are shortcomings of our industry recently, which need to be resolved urgently.
  In the long term, the lagging education and scientific research are weaknesses. In addition, we always adhere to talent-oriented and educational priority policy. As comrade Deng Xiaoping once said that our biggest mistake in working was education. The education, as is known to all, has deep concept and wide scope, including people’s ideology and political consciousness education, basic science and technology education in school, on-the-job training, and skills improvement, so that the education of “craftsmanship spirit” can be realized. Besides, the basic knowledge education of school and exam-oriented education of factories and enterprises should be combined compactly.   Scientific research is the most basic thing. New technique derives from innovation in scientific research. At present, the technology of textile machinery products is stagnant, the products are the essence of market competition, the basis of products relies on technology, the basic technology depends on its own core technology, and the realization of core technology needs hard work, ability, so that the innovative results can be achieved. The innovation needs “new” concept. Looking back to the simple process, the changes of society, advances in technology and the development of society happen due to subtle differences. For example, the difference between blowing-carding and non-blowing-carding, the difference between combed and carded, and the difference between roving and spinning unit as well as the combined spinning plus winding machines. In addition, the difference between automatic winding and semi-automatic winding, the difference between having shuttle loom and no shuttle loom, the large capacity and small capacity of package, the difference between small hole processing of spinning board and micro-hole machining, it seems that these differences are simple, while it is difficult to distinguish and implement. Among them, the change of consciousness, the innovation of technology, the process from recognition to practice as well as thou- sands of people’s sweat and hard work are included.
  At present, the new period of socialism with Chinese characteristics put forward by President, Xi Jinping and a powerful new era have already begun in our country. Under the guidance of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the new trend of historical development should be kept up with and new development should be promoted.
  The textile industry in new era has entered into a new period, which is characterized by the realization of “three highs”, namely during renovating conventional industries, high-tech materials industry should be developed, especially new materials industry of macromolecular structure. Meanwhile, in the process of transforming and improving traditional processing industry, the processing industry of high-tech materials should be developed. High-end equipment manufacturing should be developed rapidly on the basis of continually upgrading the traditional textile industry, to adapt to situation, and to obey, serve and lead the development of new and high materials.
  Textile machinery industrial enterprises are the cell of national economy, the subject of development of textile machinery industry, and the real economy supported by state policies, which are the starting point and foothold of all work. All parties should support and help textile machinery enterprises to achieve new development in the implementation of supplyside structural reform.   The “four wheels” of textile machinery industrial enterprises, including team, product, mechanism and management should operate smoothly. The team is key, the product is emphasis, the mechanism is approach and management is basis.
  Textile machinery industrial enterprises synchronously implement“four types of technology”, consisting of product technology, process technology, information technology and organizational technology. For the four types of social responsibility including device supply, capital accumulation, talents cultivation and self-enhancement, the textile machinery industrial enterprises should undertake together. With the specific goal, the trumpet has sounded for moving forward. Let us harmoniously promote “the four-pronged comprehensive strategy”, enhance “four consciousness”, and improve “confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics” according to the general deployment of “five-in-one approach” and under the guidance of the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Only accomplishing the working one step at a time can make new contributions to becoming a powerful nation of textile industry and textile machinery industry, as well as realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.