
来源 :军事历史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songsiliang
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孙中山是中国反对帝国主义、封建主义的先驱,是中国民主革命的先行者。孙中山自创建兴中会以后,领导多次武装起义,结果都失败了。辛亥革命后的十余年间,他依靠军阀打军阀,同样未取得革命的成功。其中,依靠陈炯明的失败,对他打击最大。失败的根本原因在于没有建立革命的 Sun Yat-sen is a pioneer of China’s opposition to imperialism and feudalism and a forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution. Since Sun Yat-sen founded the Hsing Hing Society, he led many armed uprisings and the results failed. In the more than ten years after the 1911 Revolution, he relied on warlords to fight warlords. Likewise, the success of the revolution was not obtained. Among them, rely on Chen Jiongming’s failure, the greatest blow to him. The root cause of failure is that there is no revolution
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