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曾在报上看到一条新闻:某矿发生矿难,数十人死亡,该矿工会积极参与事故善后工作云云。乍一看,不禁欣喜,关键时刻,矿领导总算想到了工会。但转念一想,这条新闻又让人高兴不起来。为什么一些单位领导平时不注意发挥工会在维护职工合法权益方面的作用,一旦有人死了伤了。才想起工会?正所谓“吃喝时代表工会,利益面前背靠工会,出了问题想到工会”。作为企业职工的群众组织,努力保障职工的生命安全是工会的天职。工会组织的作用应表现在职工的劳动保护、安全教育、安全检查和监督、安全规章制度的制定等诸多方面。如果工会组织平时能积极参与日常安全监管,能避免不必要的损失。这也是对企业经营管理工 In the newspaper saw a news: mine a mine disaster, dozens of deaths, the miners will actively participate in the aftermath of the accident work. At first glance, can not help but pleased, the critical moment, mine leaders finally thought of the union. But then I thought, this news makes people happy again. Why do some unit leaders usually do not pay attention to play the role of trade unions in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers in case of death and wounding. Only think of the union? The so-called “on behalf of trade unions eating and drinking, interests back in front of trade unions, a problem out of the union.” As a mass organization of enterprise workers, efforts to safeguard the lives and safety of workers are the vocation of the union. The role of trade union organizations should be reflected in the labor protection of workers, safety education, safety inspection and supervision, safety rules and regulations and many other aspects. If the trade unions can usually take an active part in daily safety supervision, they can avoid unnecessary losses. This is also a business management workers
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