
来源 :真空科学与技术学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edisonye
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电弧离子镀工艺中,弧斑的放电形式、运动速率、运动方式的控制对于减少以至消除大颗粒的发射至关重要。本文采用自主研发的机械式旋转磁控弧源,围绕三种不同模式的旋转磁场下弧斑的放电行为及规律进行了研究,并从弧斑放电的物理机制出发,分析讨论了不同模式的旋转磁场对阴极斑点运动的影响机理。研究结果表明,多模式旋转磁场可以有效提高弧斑的运动速度、扩大放电面积、降低放电功率密度、减少大颗粒的发射,同时还能够大幅度提高靶材的利用率,拓展电弧离子镀的应用。 In the arc ion plating process, the control of the discharge pattern, the movement speed and the movement mode of the arc spot is very important for reducing and eliminating the emission of large particles. In this paper, the self-developed mechanical rotating magnetron arc source was used to study the discharge behavior and regularity of arc spot under three different modes of rotating magnetic field. Based on the physical mechanism of arc discharge, the different modes of rotation The Mechanism of Influence of Magnetic Field on Cathodic Displacement. The results show that the multi-mode rotating magnetic field can effectively improve the movement speed of the arc spot, enlarge the discharge area, reduce the discharge power density, reduce the emission of large particles, at the same time it can greatly improve the utilization rate of target material and extend the application of arc ion plating .
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