来源 :Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:magic1213cam
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The main objective of this paper is to study the singular nature of the crack-tip stress andelectric displacement field in a functionally gradient piezoelectric medium having material coefficients with adiscontinuous derivative.The problem is considered for the simplest possible loading and geometry,namely,the anti-plane shear stress and electric displacement in-plane of two bonded half spaces in which the crack isparallel to the interface.It is shown that the square-root singularity of the crack-tip stress field and electricdisplacement field is unaffected by the discontinuity in the derivative of the material coefficients.The prob-lem is solved for the case of a finite crack and extensive results are given for the stress intensity factors,elec-tric displacement intensity factors,and the energy release rate. The main objective of this paper is to study the singular nature of the crack-tip stress andelectric displacement field in a functionally gradient piezoelectric medium having material coefficients with adiscontinuous derivative. The problem is considered for the simplest possible loading and geometry, namely, the anti -plane shear stress and electric displacement in-plane of two bonded half spaces in which the crack is parallel to the interface. It is shown that the square-root singularity of the crack-tip stress field and electric field displacement field is unaffected by the discontinuity in the derivative of the material coefficients. The prob-lem is solved for the case of a finite crack and the extensive results are given for the stress intensity factors, elec-tric displacement intensity factors, and the energy release rate.
牙釉质结构异常所导致的一组遗传性疾病,在不涉及全身系统疾病时称之为遗传性牙釉质发育不全(amelogenesis imperfecta,AI)。AI具有明显的临床表型和遗传异质性。形成AI的病
关于把古代的物价以及收入与现在的进行换算,虽然没有准确的公式,但还是能得出个大概来。以明朝为例,来瞅瞅一两银子大概相当于现在的多少人民币。《明史·食货志》里有记载:钞一锭,折米一石;金一两,十石;银一两,二石。不难看出,在当时,一两银子可购大米二石。明代的一石,约等于现在的94.4千克,假设按每千克三块五的米均价计算,一两银子相当于六百多块钱。  有了换算方法,我们不妨来看看自己兜里的钱,拿到明朝
近日,笔者作为评委参加市级优质课评选,在评选过程中,发现很多教师在讲课中表现出来的七大共性“硬伤”,我们经过研究制定了针对性的“治疗”方案,供教师上课时参考,    “硬伤”一学情了解被忽视    “症状”诊断  在优质课评比过程中,不少参赛教师由于忽视学情了解这一环节,导致教师授课的针对性不强、师生互动不和谐、教学目标达成度低,  “治疗”方案  教师讲优质课一般是借班上课,面对陌生的学生,准确
据报道,美国哈佛大学已研制出一种微型纳米钳,它有望成为科学家们操作生物细胞、装配毫微机械或进行微型手术的新型工具。 It is reported that the United States Harvard Un
丽娜要从左下角她现在站的地方回到右上角的家里。她希望不走重复路,并且走过的各数相乘刚好等于1000。她应该走哪条路呢?请你帮她找一找。 Lina is going back to her home
北京市海淀区教委与海淀区教研中心,于2008年6月6日在海淀区万泉小学曙光校区,举办了海淀区“迎奥运阳光体育活动”现场会。教育部体育卫生与艺术教育司,中国学 Haidian Dis