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Internet热早已烧红了用户的脸,烧着了业者的心。现如今,如果不提Internet或是其派生的Intranet,根本就做不成生意,用户无论上什么项目,都会先问一句:是否与Internet沾边。这不,连网络厂商的大哥大,这个靠路由器(Router)打遍天下无敌手的Cisco公司,也在处心积虑准备后来居上了。近日,趁着Cisco公司Internet业务部经理ChriS White先生来华的机会,记者进行了一番了解。 确实,CiSco最赚钱的产品仍然是路由器,但随着Internet的风靡,中小企业甚至个人用户的网络应用也越来越普及,面对如此广阔的市场,看着其他规模较小的厂商在此领域大捞一笔,CiSco不能不有所心动,因而,近几年越来越重视网络产品的全线生产。近来又专门成立了Internet业务部,专门研制生产Internet产品,从而使Cisco也加入了炽热的Internet产品之战 Internet hot has long burned the user’s face, burning the heart of the business. Nowadays, if you don’t mention the Internet or its derived Intranet, you can’t do business at all. Users, regardless of their projects, will first ask whether they are connected to the Internet. This does not, even the network manufacturer’s big brother, the router company (Router) hit the world invincible Cisco company, is also prepared to come from behind. Recently, taking advantage of the opportunity of Mr. Chri S White, Cisco’s Internet business manager, to come to China, the reporter learned a lot about it. Indeed, CiSco’s most profitable products are still routers. However, with the popularity of the Internet, SMEs and even individual users have become more and more popular. In the face of such a large market, other small-scale manufacturers are watching this field. With a great deal of money, CiSco can’t help but it has become more and more important in recent years. Recently, the Internet Business Unit was set up specifically to develop and produce Internet products, so that Cisco has also joined the battle of hot Internet products.
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