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我曾经在一家印前中心工作近两载,后来转至印前设备销售公司,工作性质的改变,令我发现了许多原来不曾有机会看到的问题。随着电子出版概念在国内的推广应用,有越来越多的小型公司和个人都加入了进来。一台扫描仪、几台甚至一台电脑、一部打印机,就算一个初具规模的制作室。作为一个技术人员,经常被客户问及:“到底什么样的扫描仪才好,兼顾价格与质量,你们可有过比较?”哎,惭愧的很,我所能找到的仅仅是商家提供的一些物理特性参数,而条件所限,也不可能做些实际的测试比较,所以心中总有一种惴惴的感觉,希望不要说错什么,传播些错误的概念与知识给别人,当然最关键的也是希望每个用户都能以最少的钱买到最适宜的机器。直到有一天在朋友那里发现了刊在最近一期《Mac User》上的这篇文章,倍感亲切。啊!这正是我所需要的,也正是许许多多的用户所需要的。文章中有一些品牌在国内市场可能未曾销售过,但我仍然想介绍给大家,只是为了保持其完整性,价格也仍沿用美元为单位。 随着技术的普及、更新以及设备价位的降低,会有更多的人加入到这个行业中,而投入较早的人在获得相当收益后,也不断购入新的设备,希望提高自己的实力。介绍些有价值的资料帮助大家判断、选择,同时也希望藉此推动商家将更优秀、更适宜的品牌引进 Having worked in a pre-press center for almost two years and then moved to a prepress sales company, the nature of the job changed so much that I found many problems that I had never had a chance to see. With the popularization and application of the concept of electronic publishing in China, more and more small companies and individuals have joined in. A scanner, a few even a computer, a printer, even if a beginning of the size of the studio. As a technical staff, often asked by customers: “What kind of scanner in the end, taking into account the price and quality, you can have a comparison?” Hey, ashamed of, I can find is only some of the businesses Physical characteristics of the parameters, and the conditions are limited, it is impossible to do some of the actual test comparison, so there is always a feeling in my heart, I hope not to say anything wrong, spread some of the wrong concepts and knowledge to others, of course, the most critical I hope every user can buy the most suitable machine with the least amount of money. Until one day found a friend in the article published in the latest issue of “Mac User”, feel more cordial. what! This is exactly what I need, and it is exactly what many users need. There are some brands in the article that may not have been sold in the domestic market, but I still want to introduce them to everyone just to maintain their integrity and keep the price in US dollars. With the popularization of technology, renewal and the reduction of equipment price, more people will join the industry, and those who invest earlier will also continue to purchase new equipment after gaining considerable profits, hoping to improve their own strength . Introduce some valuable information to help you judge, choose, but also hope to promote businesses to be more excellent, more suitable brand introduction
■领导干部要做廉洁自律的表率■纪检监察工作要与时俱进■进一步健全和完善企业监督约束机制 ■ The leading cadres should be exemplary of honesty and self discipline
2001年11月13日,是四川省乐山市金口河区共安彝族林丰村第五届村委会换届选举日。我们 市民政局一行3个应邀参加了这次活动。这是一个晴朗的好天气。上午9点,太阳照到了林丰村
目的 了解儿童眼外伤的发病因素及特征.方法 对近11年我科收治的儿童眼外伤患者1126例进行临床分析.结果 儿童眼外伤占同期眼外伤患者的26.75%,眼科住院儿童患者的38.09%,其中眼球穿孔伤占87.47%,眼内异物占54.44%,挫伤占9.68%,化学烧伤,热烧伤占0.54%,其它占2.31%.主要并发症:外伤性白内障(28.6%),玻璃体浑浊(20.7%),视力≤0.05者占69.08%.
编者按:一轮复习已经接近尾声,很多读者纷纷来信问小编:  都说要跳出题海,少做题能得高分吗? 有些题老师一讲我就明白,但是等自己做的时候又不会了,这可怎么办啊? 一轮复习需要掌握哪些解题方法和思维方法?……  一轮复习的末期,很多考生还是沿用高一、高二时的学习方法,分要素、分章节对内容进行复习,缺乏科学有效的复习方法。那么怎么样才能使分散的知识系统化,使考生掌握正确的解题技能呢?  一、查缺中的取
从球场到城市,高尔夫朋克族看上去总是比周围的人要抢眼、出位,他们的信念:我爱高尔夫。Ryan菱格无袖背心Jack Nicklaus方格长裤Stromberg褐色休闲鞋Ted Baker高尔夫手套Foot