A hybrid carboxylate-water decamer with a discrete octameric water moiety self-assembled in a 2D cop

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An octameric water moiety which consists of a chairlike water hexamer and two pendent water molecules in the 1,4-diaxial positions and shows a similar structure to the hydrocarbon(1r,4r)-1,4-dimethylcyclohexane,is unambiguously trapped in a2D Cu(Ⅱ) mixed-ligand coordination polymer,{[Cu2(bpp)2(H2O)2(bpda)2 ].6H2O} n(1)(bpp = 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane and H2 bpda =2,2’-biphenyldicarboxylic acid).The water octamer can be extended into a hybrid carboxylate-water decamer when carboxylic oxygen atoms from bpda2 are involved.Interestingly,the present hybrid decamer bears a similar structural topology to a butterfly(H2O) 10 cluster.The reversible dehydration/hydration of 1 is determined by X-ray powder diffraction studies. An octameric water moiety which consists of a chairlike water hexamer and two pendent water molecules in the 1,4-diaxial positions and shows a similar structure to the hydrocarbon (1r, 4r) -1,4-dimethylcyclohexane, is unambiguously trapped in a2D Cu (Ⅱ) mixed-ligand coordination polymer, {[Cu2 (bpp) 2 (H2O) 2 (bpda) 2] .6H2O} nbp = 1,3- bis (4-pyridyl) propane and H2 bpda = 2,2’-biphenyldicarboxylic acid. The water octamer can be extended into a hybrid carboxylate-water decamer when carboxylic oxygen atoms from bpda2 are involved. Interestingly, the present hybrid decamer bears a similar structural topology to a butterfly (H2O) 10 cluster The reversible dehydration / hydration of 1 is determined by X-ray powder diffraction studies.
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