转变增长方式 做好八个到位——关于深化乡镇企业改革若干问题的探讨

来源 :苏南乡镇企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seanstarseanstar
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产权制度改革是乡镇企业转变经济方式的重要举措,是二次创业的优化选择。近两年来,太仓虽有52.8%的企业进行了产权制度改革,但有些企业内部有效的监督约束机制并没有真正形成,集有资产出现了新的流失,究其原因,主要是改制后的完善工作不细、不实,需要在八个到位上化精力,下功夫。一、明确改制目的,思想观念到位。乡(镇)村集体企业进行改革是为了解决传统公有制存在的弊端,进一步解放和发展生产力;为了适应市场经济发展的客观要求,寻求社会主义公有制新的实现形式;为了重塑能够充分调动人的积极性和创造性的优良机制,使企业的干部职工与企业真正形成利益共同体。要使这些诸多的错综复杂的因素起作用,必须以产权明晰为前提,只有产权明晰,企业的管理体制才能理顺,企业才能有充分的自主权,企业干部职工才能从企业资产保值增值和物质利益分配两个方面真正 The reform of the property rights system is an important measure for the township enterprises to change their economic methods, and is the optimal choice for the second venture. In the past two years, although 52.8% of Taicang enterprises have reformed the property rights system, some internal effective supervision and restriction mechanisms have not actually formed, and there has been a new loss of assets. The reason is mainly due to the improvement after the reform. The work is not fine and it is not true. It needs to be put into place in eight places and efforts must be made. First, clarify the purpose of restructuring, ideas and ideas in place. The reform of the collective enterprises in township (town) villages is to solve the shortcomings of the traditional public ownership, further emancipate and develop the productive forces; in order to meet the objective requirements of the development of the market economy, seeking a new form of socialist public ownership; in order to reshape can fully mobilize people The excellent mechanism of enthusiasm and creativity enables the company’s cadres and employees to truly form a community of interests. To make these many intricate factors play a role, we must use the premise of clear property rights. Only when the property rights are clear and the company’s management system can be streamlined can a company have full autonomy. Only when the company’s cadres and staff can preserve and increase the value of the company’s assets and material interests Assign two aspects to the real
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