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在竞争对手眼里,谷歌是全民公敌,它从搜索延伸出来的无处不在的触角让人胆寒心惊;在普通人眼里,这六个五颜六色的字母是创意、激情、酷的代名词,这个公司有着极具颠覆性的创新精神、令人耳目一新的创意产品、奢侈而自由的办公环境,以及酷酷的“不作恶”的信条。短短十年,从斯坦福大学旁边一间陋室到现在全球的互联网霸主。是的,谷歌急剧膨胀的速度令人吃惊。然而,伴随互联网成长的谷歌始终保持了一点,这也是互联网的本质,那就是开放。开放是让谷歌所向披靡的利刃,一点点瓦解了顽固的竞争对手的力量,也给合作伙伴留下了“共同富裕”的空间。谷歌追求领导者的地位,但用一种更为温和的方式。这样,谷歌成为了一个生态系统,每个人都在学习如何在这个体系里生存。也许,是时候享受“谷歌治下的和平”了。 In the eyes of competitors, Google is a popular enemy, it extends from the search of the tentacles of the ubiquitous people scared; in ordinary people, these six colorful letters are synonymous with creativity, passion, cool, this The company has a very disruptive innovation, refreshing creative products, luxurious and free-standing office environment, and a cool “no evil” creed. Just ten years, from Stanford next to a shabby room to now the world’s Internet hegemony. Yes, Google’s rapid expansion is staggering. However, with the growth of the Internet Google has always maintained that this is the essence of the Internet, that is open. Open is Google’s invincible edge, a little bit disrupted the power of stubborn competitors, but also to the partners left “common prosperity ” space. Google pursues leadership, but in a more gentler way. In this way, Google has become an ecosystem, everyone is learning how to survive in this system. Perhaps it is time to enjoy “peace under Google’s rule.”
马尔尼菲青霉病是由马尔尼菲青霉(Penicillium Marneffei,PM)引起的并不少见的真菌病.自1982年我院发现1例急性播散性马尔尼菲青霉菌感染患者后[1],至今共发现12例.现将该12例的临床资料分析报道如下.
Objectives: The aetiology of the cognitive changes seen in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is multifactorial but it is likely that a significant contribution arises f
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