
来源 :赣南医专学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangjun3812
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肿瘤在体内生长影响机体的正常代谢过程而引起体内正常组分的变化,而体内某些成分对肿瘤的生长会有直接或间接的促进或抑制作用。已知肿瘤能引起机体免疫功能的下降,我们曾将瘤鼠血清注射正常鼠引起胸腺萎缩,此外还发现去睾和除脾鼠对S_(180)的抵抗力比正常鼠强,5只雌鼠种瘤后不长。因此分别取不同小鼠分组进行实验:有正常组;种瘤不长组;肿瘤组;去睾组;去睾种瘤组;除脾组;除脾种瘤组;注射考的松组及注射种瘤组,希望从分析各组小鼠血清蛋白成分的变化特点着手寻找肿瘤时T细胞免疫功能降低的原因和为临床对肿瘤的预后判断提供依据,同时了解对S_(180)抵抗力强的小鼠血清成分有无规律性变化。本研究采用交叉免疫电泳法及脂蛋白电泳法测定鼠血清蛋白,实验结果指出小鼠血清蛋白成分的变化与肿瘤的生长有一定关系,肿瘤生长较大或肿瘤后期小鼠血清中α、β球蛋白含量均有不同程度提高,除α_1—抗胰蛋白酶降低外,α_2—结合珠蛋白、α_2—巨球蛋白上升均较显著,属β球蛋白的运血红素蛋白、运铁蛋白、β_1—A、β_1—E、β—脂蛋白亦有不同程度升高。α_2—MG可能是通过影响淋巴细胞的分化增殖加强了免疫抑制作用,α_1—AT可能在肿瘤形成过程中起不同作用,注射考的松可能因能促淋巴细胞行动迟缓而影响其进入淋巴组 The growth of tumors in vivo affects the body’s normal metabolic processes and causes changes in the normal components of the body, while certain components of the body have direct or indirect promotion or inhibition of tumor growth. It is known that tumors can cause a decrease in immune function. We have injected mice with normal serum to induce thymus atrophy. In addition, it has been found that the resistance to S 180 is greater in the testes and spleens than in normal rats. After the tumor is not long. Therefore, different mice were divided into groups for experiment: normal group; no tumor group; tumor group; testis group; testes tumor group; except spleen group; except spleen tumor group; injection Kasong group and injection The tumor-bearing group hopes to start from the analysis of the characteristics of changes in serum protein components of each group of mice to find the reasons for the decrease of T-cell immune function and to provide basis for the clinical prognosis of tumors, and to understand the strong resistance to S_(180). There is no regular change in serum composition of mice. In this study, serum protein was measured by cross-immunoelectrophoresis and lipoprotein electrophoresis. The experimental results indicated that there was a certain relationship between the change of mouse serum protein components and the growth of tumors. Protein content increased to varying degrees. In addition to the decrease in α_1-antitrypsin, the increase in α_2- haptoglobin and α_2-macroglobulin was significant, and belonged to the β-globin hemoglobin protein, transferrin, and β_1-A. , β_1-E, β-lipoprotein also increased to varying degrees. The α_2-MG probably enhances the immunosuppressive effect by affecting the differentiation and proliferation of lymphocytes. α_1-AT may play a different role in the tumorigenesis process. Injection of cortisone may affect the lymphatic formation by delaying the action of lymphocytes.
我们自1969年以来,先后在我院药用植物园内试种了新疆以前既无种植又无野生的某些传统中草药,取得了初步栽培经验,为广开药源,现就其中几种栽培的初步经验介绍如下: 一.半夏
Since 1990, a series of studies on rats, monkeys and human foetus showed that an arcshaped zone is present in the middle-caudal segment of medulla oblongata, r
关于喜马拉雅山地区的冬虫草,迄今缺乏系统的报道,资料也极少。由于调查比较困难,以致现在对这种冬虫草的寄生和生长期都还不清楚。冬草虫Cordyceps sinensis(Berk.)Sacc.历