
来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccc_tw
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面对国家暂时不准高职院校专升本的宏观调控政策,高职专升本需要以院校研究方式,根据职教知识生产和市场决定资源配置的理性逻辑,破解学位升级制度博弈困局。即以院校研究机构牵头,凝聚一批全国有影响力的学科专家,打造出能影响产业和行业革命的创新专业,以“产品研发-市场开拓-专业创新”方式,创造出为世人瞩目的专业品牌,实现专业集群的学历升级突破,为中国创造培养领先世界的高技术人才。由此汇聚多方合力,造成创新行业技术专业升本、升硕、升博势不可挡的优势,为建立中国特色的现代职业教育体系开拓新的道路。 Faced with the macro-control policy that the state is temporarily banned from upgrading to a higher vocational college, it is necessary to solve the predicament of the game of graduating degree through the rational logic of resources allocation based on the research methods of colleges and universities and the knowledge-based production of vocational education and the market allocation of resources. That is to take the lead institutions of research institutions, unite a group of influential subject experts to create innovative industries that can affect the industry and industry revolution, to “product development - market development - professional innovation ” way to create for the world High-profile professional brand, to achieve a breakthrough professional education qualifications upgrade for China to create leading the world to create high-tech talent. This will bring together many efforts to create innovative technology industry, rose, or Bo overwhelming advantages for the establishment of a modern vocational education system with Chinese characteristics to open up new roads.
1 Present production status China has more than 40 nylon cord produc-ers today.There are around six producers that have a capacity of over 20 000 t/a each and
Yole Dveloppement在其最近发布的“功率电子产业形势”分析报告中,分析了具有突破性的功率半导体技术和市场趋势,并指出,未来十年,功率电子仍将是半导体产业最具吸引力的
Hubei Biocause Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.(Biocause Pharmaceutical,SZ:000627) announced on January 3rd its scheme for the non-publicoffering has been approved by C
编辑部: 贵刊1979年10卷3期刊登了高行方同志对10卷1期中周用权、王修斌两同志的“机耕船犁耕时总体动力学的理论分析”一文的商讨意见,并加了编者按语,我认为这是一个很好