
来源 :黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaojing795130
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接生制度关乎个体生命的诞生和健康以及人口出生的统计和监控。近代以西方产科医学为背景的新法接生传入中国并与中国传统以接生婆为中心的接生制度形成巨大差异并因此掀起了近代中国接生制度的变革。在这场变革中国家通过卫生行政立法及卫生行政机构的设立一方面为以助产士为中心的新法接生制度提供合法性依据,另一方面确立新法接生制度中的行政执法及行政处罚制度。医学技术上的更新引发制度上的革新需要卫生行政法制为其提供合法性发展空间,并以史为鉴探究近代卫生行政法制在近代新法接生制度中的角色扮演。 The birth system concerns the birth and health of individual lives and the statistics and monitoring of births. In the modern times, the new law on the background of western obstetrics and gynecology was introduced into China and made a huge difference with the traditional Chinese midwife-centered birth control system and thus brought about the change of the modern birth control system in modern China. In this reform, the legislation of health administration and the establishment of health administration agencies in China provided legal basis for birth control system based on midwife. On the other hand, it established the system of administrative law enforcement and administrative punishment in the new law system. The renewal of medical sciences leads to institutional innovation, which requires the health administration and legal system to provide legal development space for it. In the meantime, history innovation should be used to explore the role played by modern health administrative legal system in the modern birth control system.
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