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提起苏格拉底,也许人们的脑海中会浮现出一个古先哲的形象,一个属于古希腊那个辉煌年代的思想者。人们对他或许总有这样那样的遗憾,因为这样一位行走于人类智慧与精神世界最前沿的人,并没有留下任何著作传世,以便让后人追索他的足迹。于是,人们开始读柏拉图的对话体,开始读色诺芬的《苏格拉底言行回忆录》,因为所有关于那个时代、关于苏格拉底的记忆,都只能从他学生的讲述中得到最大可能的复原与保存。这让人不禁想到在另一片遥远的被叫作大中华的土地上,曾经亦诞生了一本名为《论语》的书,从这部由孔子门人及其再传弟子撰述的著作里,人们能看到的是一个东方古先哲的一言一行,以及思想中那喷薄而起的精神火花。如果上帝可以把苏格拉底的生命延续至今,可能很少会有人将他和一 Mention Socrates, perhaps people will emerge in the minds of an ancient philosopher’s image, a glorious age belonging to the ancient Greek thinker. There may always be such a pity for him, for such a man walking at the forefront of human wisdom and the spiritual world has not left any writings handed down in order for his descendants to follow his footsteps. As a result, people began to read Plato’s discourse and began to read Xenophon’s “Memoirs of Socrates,” because all memories about Socrates at that time were best learned from his students Restore and save. This reminds us of the fact that on another distant land called Greater China, a book entitled Analects was also born. From this book by Confucius and his followers, people What can be seen is a word and deed of an ancient philosopher in the East, and the spark of gushing spirit in his mind. If God could extend the life of Socrates so far, it may be rare for anyone to associate him with one
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