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  站在林川镇政府一眼望去,整个村被斑斓的色彩点缀,别有一番韵味。 “童话部落”彩绘观景墙绘的内容是“白雪公主与七个小矮人”的故事,描述了白雪公主被皇后派来的猎人追杀后逃到林川镇,被当地村民好心收留,并在村民的帮助下与皇后斗智斗勇,还邂逅白马王子,最后过上幸福的生活。墙壁上,漂亮的白雪公主、可爱的小矮人和邪恶的皇后等卡通形象惟妙惟肖。
  Linchuan Innovates Local Cultural Industry
  By Zhuang Yingchang
  Linchuan has made itself into a fairyland.
  A town nestled in the mountains in the west of Rui’an in southeastern Zhejiang; Linchuan has a lot of resources to turn itself into a Shangri-La. First of all, it boasts a strong handcraft industry. This industry produces handcraft gifts and education toys, a full range of small-sized gadgets for households and for children. A street block in Linchuan looks like a fairyland: factory workshops and 28 houses are decorated in bright colors. There is even a large-size train model.
  The handcraft industry in Linchuan started at Xitan Village. In the 1980s, a factory in the village received an order, placed by a foreign trade company, to make a product that looked like red pepper. It was the first order Xitan ever got for overseas market. Many villagers who had worked in the factory soon set up their own factories to cater to overseas buyers. As China opened to the outside world and more orders came from overseas, the handcrafts industry thrived, turning Xitan into a booming town.   Innovation has been the engine that drives the prosperity of the industry in Linchuan. Dengfeng Handcrafts, a big player in the handcraft industry of Linchuan, exports products to over ten countries such as the United States and Japan. It invests a huge amount into new products and develops 30-some new products a year.
  Auguang Group is the top player in Linchuan. In recent years, it has developed some top products based on images from popular animation television series and films with copyrights purchased from overseas. Auguang produces a line of education products for preschoolers, all developed by Auguang itself.
  Shibuping, a village in Linchuan Town, is part of the fairyland. Rows of houses in the village have been refurbished. Nowadays, some houses present wall paintings in bright colors. The paintings are actually a localized version of . Follow the paintings and one can watch the adventures of at Shibuping.
  In addition to the flourishing handcraft industry, Linchuan as a fairyland has done a lot to clean up the environment. The town is now a huge tourism attraction in this part of Rui’an. After the papermaking factories at Huangjialong Village were shut down, over ten processing pools were left over. The pools were later reconstructed into small reservoirs. These reservoirs are now a paradise for many species of aquatic plants. With layers of ecological filters, these reservoirs process rain water and wastewater and turn them into clean water. The reservoirs also serve as a botanic garden where visiting children can learn about aquatic plants. Shibuping is now a tourism attraction with tree-flanked footpaths, parking lots, and a waterside park.
  In 2017, Linchuan conducted a consolidating project and tapped into its resources for creating well-defined four zones: one for cultural business, one for offices for innovative businesses, one that offers hands-on experiences to children, one for cultural exchanges. In these zones, one can find a supermarket where abundant supplies of handicrafts and local produces can be found. There is a business incubator where entrepreneurs can run their startups. Tourists, on the other hand, can put their hands on some DIY things. The town will continue taking innovation-based measures to explore local cultural resources and help cultural businesses get stronger and better so that the total region’s economy can be better. Linchuan aims to make itself a provincial-level zone of cultural innovation.
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“跑男團”跑进联合国维也纳总部,国产综艺走向海外——  第二季《奔跑吧!兄弟》在观众的期待中播出了,本季的首期节目中,“跑男团”跑进了奥地利联合国维也纳总部。  初入联合国维也纳总部,除了学习联合国可持续发展目标外,“跑男团”还在联合国接受艰巨的挑战,让世界看到中国青年积极的精神面貌与视野。而“跑男”在联合国的演讲也成为了焦点。  这档节目的最初,只是一群明星聚在一起玩游戏,如今随着知名度和影响力
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“粤香占”是广东省农科院水稻研究所育种高新技术研究室选育而成的常规优质水稻品种。1996、1997年参加广东省早稻常规优质谷区试中,其产量均名列第一,平均为6580 kg/hm~2
初春,正是杭州西湖边的爱茶人焦急等待明前春茶的时节。  劳动路上一间叫“途香”的茶室里,一位眉清目秀的老人正在即兴表演宋代点茶,边上几个观摩者看得兴奋,发出尖叫。  表演宋代点茶的老人,正是“非遗”第二代传承人之一徐南眉。点茶技艺精湛,成为“非遗”传承人  笔者近日借好友茶室采访了茶人徐南眉。现场,徐南眉也给我们表演了她的点茶绝活。  汤瓶、黑釉盏、茶筅、茶针、茶粉,一件件茶具摆开在茶台上。徐南眉