
来源 :华北民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simuwuzx
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地处上党老区的襄垣县,曾是晋冀鲁豫根据地我军抗击日寇侵略所在地。革命战争年代,襄垣人民在中国共产党的领导下,前赴后继,谱写了一曲曲感人肺腑的抗战支前壮歌。改革开放的今天,这座连续五次荣获全省“双拥模范城”桂冠的古城,适应时代发展需要,打造富民强兵平台,以昂扬的斗志投身到“为全面建设小康社会服务,为军队现代化建设服务”的“双服务”活动中来,用自己的实际行动巩固和发展着新型党政军民关系,有效地促进了地方经济社会发展和国防后备力量建设。 Xiangyuan County, which is located in the old part of the Shangdang party, was once the place where our army resisted the aggression of the Japanese invaders in the base area of ​​the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan base areas. In the era of the revolutionary war, the people of Xiangyuan went under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and wrote a tribal song that infallibly touched the war. Today’s reform and opening up, this ancient city has won the title of “Double-support Model City” for five times in a row, meets the needs of the development of the times, builds a platform for enriching the people and strengthening the military, and dedicates itself to building a moderately prosperous society with high spirits. Serve the modernization of the armed forces "activities and consolidate and develop the new type of party-government-civil-military relations with their own practical actions, effectively promoting the local economic and social development and the building of national defense reserve forces.
此轮金融危机让中国制造业遭到重创,机床行业也不例外。尤其是普通机床和低档数控机床,所受影响更为严重。作为中国装备制造 This round of financial crisis has hit China
各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 省统计局《关于对各地、州、市国内生产总值数据质量评估办法(试行)》已经省人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请认
北京某预备役团为预编单位新上任的29位村党支部书记、村主任80余人,举办了一期新农村建设培训班,开创了“一助一”帮扶活动新模式。 A reserve corps in Beijing is a newl
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