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2015年是中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年。在整个抗日战争时期,约30万人的黄埔师生是抗击日寇的中坚力量。为此,《黄埔》杂志将编辑出版增刊《抗战中的黄埔师生》,充分展示黄埔师生的英雄气概,大力宣传黄埔师生用鲜血和生命铸就的“爱国、革命”的黄埔精神。该书分为“抗战中的黄埔师生图片集”、“我的抗战”、“抗日战争大事记”、“抗战中牺牲的黄埔将士名录”四大部分,内容详实全面,图文并茂,印制精美。既反映抗日战争全貌,又有鲜明的黄埔特色,具有珍贵的史料价值,是《黄埔》 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. Throughout the War of Resistance Against Japan, approximately 300,000 Huangpu teachers and students were the backbone of the Japanese invaders. To this end, “Whampoa” magazine will edit and publish Supplement Whampoa Teachers and Students in the War of Resistance Against Japan, fully demonstrate the heroism of Whampoa teachers and students, and vigorously promote the Whampoa spirit of “patriotic, revolutionary” Whampoa created by blood and life . The book is divided into four parts, “Huangpu teachers and students in the Anti-Japanese War Pictures”, “My War”, “Anti-Japanese War memorabilia”, “” Directory of Whampoa officers sacrificed during the War of Resistance “ Comprehensive, illustrated, printed beautiful. It not only reflects the whole picture of the War of Resistance Against Japan but also has the distinctive Whampoa characteristics, which is of precious historical value. It is the ”Whampoa"
末段救活了全文;前文“三送”铺垫出卒章。此文还需要升格:三送“的情节还要更细腻点;或给标题加上双引号,或将标题更名为”铃兰花语“。 The last paragraph saved the ful
文章对按需供暖的发展趋势进行了全面的论述。 The article provides a comprehensive discussion of the development trend of on-demand heating.
青春是一列轰然驶过的列车。我握着被剪掉一角的车票,蜷缩在车厢里,形形色色的人在我眼前更替。我曾和其中的一些人相互用眼神交流最真挚的情感,我们会开心地笑,笑得很真。可是到了站,该下车的必须下车,甚至仓促到来不及挥手,无法挽留。  很快又有一个好友到站下车了。  那是小军,我的死党之一。对他的第一印象是好可爱的一个男生:眉清目秀,身材“娇小”,举手投足间稚气未脱,认识他的人对他的评价是“一个十足的老好
Ronnie: Is your new hunting horse well behaved?  Johnnie: He certainly is. He has such good manners that when we come to a fence, he stops and lets me go over first.  Ronnie:你的新猎马表现得好吗?  Johnnie:非常好。他
“清明节时雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂.借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。”杜牧此诗脍炙人口,吟咏不绝。清代著名学者,《四库全书》总编篡纪晓 “When the Ching Ming Festival