Downregulation of wild-type p53 protein by HER-2/neu mediated PI3K pathway activation in human breas

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Overexpression and activation of HER-2/neu (also known as c-erbB-2), a proto-oncogene, was found in about 30% of human breast cancers, promoting cancer growth and making cancer cells resistant to chemo- and radio-therapy. Wild-type p53 is crucial in regulating cell growth and apoptosis and is found to be mutated or deleted in 60-70% of human cancers. And some cancers with a wild-type p53 do not have normal p53 function, suggesting that it is implicated in a complex process regulated by many factors. In the present study, we showed that the overexpression of HER-2/neu could decrease the amount of wild-type p53 protein via activating PI3K pathway, as well as inducing MDM2 nuclear translocation in MCF7 human breast cancer cells. Blockage of PI3K pathway with its specific inhibitor LY294002 caused Gl-S phase arrest, decreased cell growth rate and increased chemo- and radio-therapeutic sensitivity in MCF7 cells expressing wild-type p53. However, it did not increase the sensitivity to adriamycin in MDA-MB-453 Overexpression and activation of HER-2 / neu (also known as c-erbB-2), a proto-oncogene, was found in about 30% of human breast cancers, promoting cancer growth and making cancer cells resistant to chemo- and radio- therapy. Wild-type p53 is crucial in regulating cell growth and apoptosis and is found to be mutated or deleted in 60-70% of human cancers. And some cancers with a wild-type p53 do not have normal p53 function, suggesting that it In the present study, we showed that the overexpression of HER-2 / neu could decrease the amount of wild-type p53 protein via activating PI3K pathway, as well as inducing MDM2 nuclear translocation in Blockage of PI3K pathway with its specific inhibitor LY294002 caused Gl-S phase arrest, decreased cell growth rate and increased chemo- and radio-therapeutic sensitivity in MCF7 cells expressing wild-type p53. However, it did not increase the sensitivity to adriam ycin in MDA-MB-453
原名谢盛培,1929年生,浙江苍南县人。中国人民大学新闻系毕业,职称编审。现任中国书法家协会顾问、中国线装书局总编辑。曾任广西书画院院长、广西出版总社 Formerly known
1 简 介目前油菜籽加工大多采用预榨浸出技术 ,包括破碎、蒸炒、预榨、浸出、溶剂回收等步骤 ,无法脱除其中存在的有毒物质。新技术特点为 :(1)用氨醇软化细胞壁 ,从而避免
研究硅含量为 6 .5 %的高硅钢有序相消失是为了降低能耗、提高经济效益。试验采用传统的铸造或成形方法进行 ,然后利用透射电子显微镜进行研究。试验过程中发现 ,改变试样的