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据有关文献资料,红豆草病虫害少,特别不易遭受苜蓿象甲的为害。笔者于1981—1983年,在甘肃农大牧草试验站的研究结果表明:红豆草和苜蓿一样,田内栖息有数百种昆虫,其中有害昆虫占绝大多数(75.0—82.4%)。经初步鉴定害虫种类共计76种,隶属9目30科。为害严重的有50多种,主要有盲蝽象、象甲、叶蝉和蓟马等。这些害虫的密度常常很高,如在红豆草花蕾一结荚期,盲蝽象、叶蝉和蓟马最高数量可分别达84、75和78头/100网捕(单次);象甲为39.4头/米~2,叶片的被害率34.5%,被害指数20.3%。由此可见,红豆草害虫种类繁多,数量较大,为害亦很严重。 According to the relevant literature, fewer pests and diseases of red beans, especially less susceptible to the damage of alfalfa weevils. The author in 1981-1983, Gansu Nongda forage test station research results show that: sainfoin and alfalfa, the field habitat has hundreds of insects, including harmful insects accounted for the vast majority (75.0-82.4%). A total of 76 species of pests were initially identified, belonging to 9 orders and 30 families. There are more than 50 kinds of serious damage, mainly as black bugs like elephants, leafhoppers and thrips and so on. The density of these pests is often very high. For example, the maximum number of Nymphs, leafhoppers and thrips can reach 84, 75 and 78 heads / 100, respectively 39.4 head / m ~ 2, leaf damage rate of 34.5%, the victim index of 20.3%. Thus, a wide range of red bean pests, a large number, damage is also very serious.
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