
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangfuliangez
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为了适应卫生工作改革的需要,提高乡镇卫生院的管理水平,对乡镇卫生院实行了目标管理,使管理工作逐步数量化、指标化。一、实行目标管理任务指标先将整个目标分为行政管理、医疗业务技术管理、卫生防疫工作管理、妇幼卫生工作管理、医政药政与经济管理五大项,107条。再按项目、根据工作要求与数量质量指标确定评比的基本分数和统一评比方法。任务与国家对基层补助经费挂钩,按千分制的考核方法进行考核,每季抽查、半年检查,年终全面考核,凡考核验收总分达到900分者,拨给全数应得的卫生经费,超过900分者,给予奖励,不满 In order to meet the needs of the reform of the health work, the management level of the township health centers has been improved, and the township health centers have implemented the objective management so that the management work will be gradually quantified and indexed. First, the implementation of the target management task indicators first divided the entire target into administrative management, medical service technology management, health and epidemic prevention work management, maternal and child health work management, medical governance and economic management of the five major items, 107 articles. According to the project, according to job requirements and quantitative quality indicators to determine the evaluation of the basic score and unified assessment method. The task is linked to the state’s subsidies for grass-roots subsidy. It is assessed according to the examination method of the thousand-point system. Each season checks, six-month inspections, and comprehensive assessments at the end of the year. Where the total score for assessment and acceptance reaches 900, the total amount of health funds that are due should be allocated. 900 points, give rewards, dissatisfaction
一、蕴含极大商机和值得探索的包装设计领域许多学科交叉的包装设计有着不同的重点偏向。有以工艺材料、技术为主的 ;有以表面美观为主的平面设计 ;有以三维要求为目标的包装
落地生根 Bryphylum pinnata,其叶在巴西被用来治疗皮肤创伤、风湿病、胃溃疡等病症,且没有明显的毒副作用。它在印度和斯里兰卡等地被用于治疗跌打损伤、蚊虫叮咬和疮疖等
本文对白前混淆品龙须菜Asparagus schoberioides的根、根茎进行了性状、显微及理化鉴别,结果其组织、理化和紫外光谱特征与正品白前有明显的差异。 In this paper, the tra