Synthesis of comb bipolymers and their pour point depressing properties

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:y567843241
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A bipolymer maleic anhydride-methyl acrylate(MAMA) was synthesized from maleic anhydride and methyl acrylate based on molecular design. MAMA further reacted with oleylamine or octadecyl alcohol to generate two comb polymers called Oleamide-MAMA(NMAMA) and OctadecanolMAMA(OMAMA), respectively. The structure of both the polymers was confirmed by their infrared spectral analysis(IR), gel permeation chromatography analysis(GPC) and differential scanning calorimeter(DSC). Moreover, the pour point depressing(PPD) properties of these comb polymers were examined experimentally. Experimental results showed that besides the molecular weight and concentration of the polymers, the length of side chains and the number of functional groups also had great influence on the pour point depressing performance. The π bonds and hydrogen bonds between depressants were the key factors for improving the pour point depressing properties. These results suggest that both OMAMA and NMAMA are potential pour point depressants for industry. MAMA further reacted with oleylamine or octadecyl alcohol to generate two-part-mixture polymers called oleamide-MAMA (NMAMA) and OctadecanolMAMA (OMAMA), respectively. . The structure of both the polymers was confirmed by their infrared spectral analysis (IR), gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). Moreover, the pour point depressing (PPD) properties of these comb polymers were examined experimentally . Experimental results showed that from the molecular weight and concentration of the polymers, the length of side chains and the number of functional groups also have great influence on the pour point depressing performance. The π bonds and hydrogen bonds between depressants were the key factors for improving the pour point depressing properties. These results suggest that both OMAMA and NMAMA are potential pour point depressants for industry.
摘要:RTK(Real-TimeKinematic)技术的迅速发展和完善在常规测量领域里越来越得到广泛的应用,工程测量方面也不例外。作者结合工作经验,提出一下建议。  关键词:RTK;工程测量;GPS  中图分类号: [TU198+.2] 文献标识码: A 文章编号:  自从GPS测量定位技术问世以来,被广泛应用于陆海空领域的导航和定位测量,在大地测量及工程测量应用领域中产生了前所未有的影响。随其