系列报导之五: 道不尽的三江口——广西境内的珠江支流

来源 :珠江经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuwald
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在缘江而下的走访中,除了珠源和珠江口两端,最令我激动和感慨的地方就是那一处处“三江口”:殊途同归的两条江水从遥远的源头奔来,或阔或狭,或清或浊,全都坦坦荡荡地呈露眼前,遍阅千山的江流在造物主巨手的安排下两江相会,用不着客套和仪式,一见如故地融合为一体,迅速联手涌向远方。素有“山水之乡”称誉的广西,水网交织, In the verge of the river visit, in addition to both ends of the Pearl River and the Pearl River estuary, the place I most excitement and emotion is that everywhere “Sanjiangkou”: the two reunification of the two rivers ran from a distant source or wide or Narrow, or clear or turbid, all are openly exposed Tan Tan, river through the mountains and rivers in the arrangement of the master of the two master meet the two rivers, without polite and ritual, at the sight of the integration as one, quickly flock to faraway . Known as “hometown of landscapes,” the reputation of Guangxi, water network intertwined,
田稼同志: 十八日手书敬诵。《三峡》早收到,大作令孙儿念与我听。甚好。女学生自杀,闻之叹息不已。如果大家不肯想得明白些,老是认为考上大学为唯一出路,自杀的事将年年会
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