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外经贸部部长石广生日前说,实施科技兴贸战略,促进新技术产品出口,是增强我国外贸出口发展后劲,实现我国由贸易大国向贸易强国转变的关键所在。为此,外经贸部将进一步放宽赋予科研院所外经贸经营权的条件,推动它们面向国际市场,直接参与国际竞争;有关规范企业高新技术产品出口、保护企业正当利益的《技术进出口条例》已草拟报批;外经贸企业要发挥自己掌握 Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Shi Guang said before his birthday that implementing the strategy of promoting trade by science and technology and promoting the export of new technology products are the key to strengthening China’s foreign trade export development and realizing the transformation of China’s major trading nation into a powerful trade nation. Therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation will further loosen the conditions for granting foreign trade and economic management rights to scientific research institutes, promote them to face the international market, and directly participate in international competition; “Regulations on the Import and Export of Technology” governing the export of high-tech products of enterprises and protecting the legitimate interests of enterprises. Drafted for approval; foreign trade companies must play their own
技术跟着市场走用户跟着技术走新技术,永远是最大的诱惑 Technology follows the market. Users follow the technology and take the new technology. It is always the bi
世界著名广告公司 BBDO 的一项研究结果显示,每增加10万美元的广告预算,就可增加2.6万箱的产品销量,但同样的资金投入推销,只能增加销量0.45万箱。从这对比的数据可看出广告
应市场需求,全球常用MEMS组件主要制造商Tronics Microsystems SA和IMEC旗下的Euro-practice IC Service强强联手支持Europractice ICServic在其多项目晶圆(MPW)计划中加入ME
<正>梅岭,一片红色的革命热土。当年,毛泽东、朱德等老一辈无产阶级革命家在此留下过战斗的身影;陈毅在此打过3年游击战争,写了著名诗篇《梅岭三章》。 1971年,在这块淬过血
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