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甘肃临夏回族自治州临夏县尹集人民公社是由汉、回、东乡、撒拉、保安五个民族組成的。全社人口三万四千○九十一人,其中汉族二万○八百五十九人,与总人口的61%,回族一万二千六百六十六人,占总人口的37%,东乡族五百三十九人,占总人口的1.2%,撒拉族十七人,占总人数的0.5%,保安族十人,占总人口数的0.3%。总面积一百○五平方公里,有耕地七万三千亩。是一个山清水秀、河流纵横、气候温和、土地肥沃、物产非常丰富的地方。(一) 解放前,尹集地区各族人民和临夏各族人民一样,受着历代反动統治阶級的压迫和剝削。特別是在三馬王朝(馬鸿逵、馬步芳、馬步青)的血腥統治下,横征暴斂、苛稅累累,封建地主的剝削量一般占农民总牧入的60%以上,有的高达80%。广大劳动人民在这种残酷压榨下,根本无力发展生产,耕作粗放,再加上十年九灾的各种自然灾害,广大群众过着 Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Linxia County is a collection of communes by the Han, Hui, Dongxiang, Salar, security five ethnic groups. The whole community has 34,091 people, of whom 20,859 are Han nationality, with 61% of the total population, 12,666 Hui people, accounting for 37% of the total population, 539 of the Dongxiang people, accounting for 1.2% of the total population, 17 of the Salars, accounting for 0.5% of the total, and 10 members of the Baoan ethnic group, accounting for 0.3% of the total population. The total area of ​​105 square kilometers, there are 73,000 acres of arable land. Is a beautiful, rivers, temperate, fertile land, the property is very rich place. (1) Before the liberation, the people of all ethnic groups in Yinji Prefecture, like the people of all ethnic groups in Linxia, ​​were oppressed and exploited by the reactionary ruling classes of all generations. In particular, under the bloody rule of the Three Ma dynasties (Ma Hongwei, Ma Bufang and Ma Buqing), the levying charges and the harsh taxes imposed on feudal landlords generally accounted for more than 60% of the total peasants’ grazing income, while some as high as 80%. Under such brutal squeeze, the majority of working people are unable to develop their productive forces at all and are extensively cultivated. Coupled with the natural disasters resulting from the 9-year past ten years, the majority of the people live
故障现象:HD868—TP型话机脉冲拨号正常,但无音频拨号。分析检修:由附图可见,当选择音频拨号方式时, Symptom: HD868-TP phone pulse dialing normal, but no audio dialin
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参考作物蒸散量(Reference Evapotranspiration ETO)是作物需水量预测的关键参数,它仅受制于气象因素,反映了不同地区、不同时期大气的蒸散能力,与作物种类、土壤类型等。比较研
草坪病害会导致草坪景观破坏、质量下降、局部甚至全部毁灭,造成很大经济损失。近年来,草坪面积不断扩大,在管理中高肥、高水的措施却进一步加重了病害的发生。 Lawn diseas