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  The city of Calcutta, which boasts of a million people, must have at least two million pigeons. Every third Hindu boy has perhaps a dozen pet carriers, tumblers, fantails and pouters. The art of domesticating pigeons goes back thousands of years in India, and she has contributed two species of pigeons as a special product of her bird fanciers, the fantail and the pouter. Love and care have been showered on pigeons for centuries by emperors, princes and queens in their marble palaces, as well as by the poor, in their humble homes. The gardens, grottos1 and fountains of the Indian rich—the small field of flowers and fruits of the common folk, each has its ornament and music, —many-coloured pigeons and cooing white doves with ruby eyes.
  Even now, any winter morning, foreigners who visit our big cities may see on the flat-roofed houses innumerable boys waving white flags as signals to their pet pigeons flying up in the crisp cold air. Through the blue heavens flocks of the birds soar like vast clouds. They start in small flocks, and spend about twenty minutes circling over the roofs of their owners’ homes. Then they slowly ascend, and all the separate groups from different houses of the town merge into one big flock, and float far out of sight. How they ever return to their own homes is a wonder, for all the housetops look alike in shape in spite of their rose, yellow, violet and white colours.

  But pigeons have an amazing sense of direction and love of their owners. I have yet to see creatures more loyal than pigeons and elephants. I have played with both, and the tusker on four feet in the country, or the bird on two wings in the city, no matter how far they wandered, were by their almost infallible instinct brought back to their friend and brother—Man.2
  My elephant friend was called Kari, of whom you have heard before, and the other pet that I knew well was a pigeon. His name was Chitra-griva; Chitra meaning “painted in gay colours,” and Griva, “neck”—in one phrase, pigeon Gay-Neck. Sometimes he was called“Iridescence-throated.”
  Of course, Gay-Neck did not come out of his egg with an iridescent throat; he had to grow the feathers week by week; and until he was three months old, there was very little hope that he would acquire the brilliant collar; but at last, when he did achieve it, he was the most beautiful pigeon in my town in India, and the boys of my town owned forty thousand pigeons.   But I must begin this story at the very beginning. I mean with Gay-Neck’s parents. His father was a tumbler who married the most beautiful pigeon of his day; she came from a noble old stock of carriers. That is why GayNeck proved himself later such a worthy carrier pigeon in war as well as in peace. From his mother he inherited wisdom, from his father bravery and alertness. He was so quick-witted that sometimes he escaped the clutches of a hawk by tumbling at the last moment right over the enemy’s head. But of that later, in its proper time and place.
  Now let me tell you what a narrow escape3 Gay-Neck had while still in the egg. I shall never forget the day when, through a mistake of mine, I broke one of the two eggs that his mother had laid. It was very stupid of me. I regret it even now. Who knows? Maybe with that broken egg perished the finest pigeon of the world. It happened this way. Our house was four stories high—and on its roof was built our pigeon house. A few days after the eggs were laid I decided to clean the pigeonhole in which Gay-Neck’s mother was sitting on them. I lifted her gently and put her on the roof beside me. Then I lifted each egg carefully and put it most softly in the next pigeonhole, which, however, had no cotton or flannel4 on its hard wooden floor. Then I busied myself with the task of removing the debris from the birth-nest. As soon as that was done, I brought one egg back and restored it to its proper place. Next I reached for the second one and laid a gentle but firm hand on it. Just then something fell upon my face like a roof blown by the storm. It was Gay-Neck’s father furiously beating my face with his wings. Worse still, he had placed the claws of one of his feet on my nose. The pain and surprise of it was so great that ere5 I knew how, I had dropped the egg. I was engrossed in beating off the bird from my head and face, and at last he flew away. But too late: the little egg lay broken in a mess at my feet. I was furious with its clumsy father and also with myself. Why with myself? Because I should have been prepared for the father bird’s attack. He took me for a stealer of his eggs, and in his ignorance was risking his life to prevent my robbing his nest. May I impress it upon you that you should anticipate all kinds of surprise attacks when cleaning a bird’s home during nesting season.

  But to go on with our story. The mother bird knew the day when she was to break open the egg-shell with her own beak, in order to usher Gay-Neck into the world. Though the male sits on the egg pretty nearly one-third of the time—for he does that each day from morning till late afternoon—yet he does not know when the hour of his child’s birth is at hand. No one save6 the mother bird arrives at that divine certainty. We do not yet understand the nature of the unique wireless message by which she learns that within the shell the yolk and the white of her egg have turned into a baby-bird. She also knows how to tap the right spot so that the shell will break open without injuring her child in the slightest. To me that is as good as a miracle.   Gay-Neck’s birth happened exactly as I have described. About the twentieth day after the laying of the egg, I noticed that the mother was not sitting on it any more. She pecked the father and drove him away every time he flew down from the roof of the house and volunteered to sit on the egg. Then he cooed, which meant, “Why do you send me away?”
  She, the mother, just pecked him the more, meaning,“Please go. The business on hand is very serious.”
  At that, the father flew away. That worried me, for I was anxious for the egg to hatch, and was feeling suspicious about its doing it at all. With increased interest and anxiety I watched the pigeonhole. An hour passed. Nothing happened. It was about the third quarter of the next hour that the mother turned her head one way and listened to something—probably a stirring inside that egg. Then she gave a slight start. I felt as if a tremor were running through her whole body. With it a great resolution came into her. Now she raised her head, and took aim. In two strokes she cracked the egg open, revealing a wee7 bird, all beak and a tiny shivering body! Now watch the mother. She is surprised. Was it this that she was expecting all these long days? Oh, how small, how helpless! The moment she realizes her child’s helplessness, she covers him up with the soft blue feathers of her breast.

  不过,我还是从头开始讲述这个故事吧。我是说,从彩虹鸽的父母亲讲起。他的父亲是一只翻头鸽,娶了当时最漂亮的一只母鸽,她出身于一个古老高贵的信鸽家族。这就是彩虹鸽后来能证明自己无论是在战争还是和平时期都是相当出色的信鸽的原因。他继承了母亲的智慧和父亲的勇敢与机敏。彩虹鸽是那样机智灵敏,有时候在最后时刻会一个筋斗翻到敌人头部的正上方,逃脱老鹰的魔爪。不过,这一点以后会在适当的时间和地点再说。   现在,让我来告诉你彩虹鸽还在蛋里时九死一生的经历。我永远都不会忘记那一天,当时母鸽生下了两个蛋,我一时失误,打破了其中一只。我真是笨到家了,甚至现在还感到后悔。谁知道呢?说不定打破那只蛋就等于扼杀了世界上最出色的一只鸽子。事情是这样发生的。我们的房子有四层楼高——房顶上建有鸽巢。母鸽生下两个蛋的几天后,我决定清扫一下鸽巢的垃圾。当时,母鸽正卧在那两只蛋上。我轻轻地抱起母鸽,把她放在我身边的房顶上。然后我小心翼翼地拿起每个蛋,极其温柔地放在邻近的鸽巢里。不过这个鸽巢没有在硬木地板上铺棉花或法兰绒。接下来,我就忙着清理鸽巢里的杂物。一清理完,我就拿着其中一只蛋放回原处。接着,我又伸手拿起另一个蛋,轻轻而又牢牢地握在手里。就在这时,有什么东西落在了我的脸上,就像风暴刮过房顶一般。原来是彩虹鸽的父亲正怒气冲冲地用翅膀扑打我的脸。更糟糕的是,他一只爪子抓在了我的鼻子上。既疼痛万分,又突如其来,以至于我还不知道是怎么回事呢,就把手里的蛋掉在了地上。我全神贯注地拍打公鸽,使他离开我的头和脸。最后他终于飞走了。但是,一切都太迟了:那个小小的鸽蛋落在我的脚边,碎成了一摊。我对这只蠢笨的公鸽,也对自己怒不可遏。为什么对自己这样呢?因为我本该对公鸽的袭击作好准备。他以为我是偷蛋贼,就懵懂无知地冒着生命危险来阻止我抢劫他的窝。但愿我能给你留下深刻的印象,就是当你在鸽子筑巢孵蛋的季节清扫鸽巢时,应该预料到各种突然袭击的发生。
  1. grotto: (人工开挖用以避暑的)洞室。
  2. tusker: 有长牙的动物(如象、野猪等);infallible: 绝对可靠的,肯定有效的。
  3. narrow escape: 九死一生,幸免于难。
  4. flannel: 法兰绒。
  5. ere: 在……之前。
  6. save: 除……外。
  7. wee: 极小的。
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