Role of hepatitis B virus DNA integration in human hepatocarcinogenesis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ltzmh
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Liver cancer ranks sixth in cancer incidence,and is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide.Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is the most common type of liver cancer,which arises from hepatocytes and accounts for approximately 70%-85%of cases.Hepatitis B virus(HBV)frequently causes liver inflammation,hepatic damage and subsequent cirrhosis.Integrated viral DNA is found in 85%-90%of HBV-related HCCs.Its presence in tumors from non-cirrhotic livers of children or young adults further supports the role of viral DNA integration in hepatocarcinogenesis.Integration of subgenomic HBV DNA fragments into different locations within the host DNA is a significant feature of chronic HBV infection.Integration has two potential consequences:(1)the host genome becomes altered(“cis”effect);and(2)the HBV genome becomes altered(“trans”effect).The cis effect includes insertional mutagenesis,which can potentially disrupt host gene function or alter host gene regulation.Tumor progression is frequently associated with rearrangement and partial gain or loss of both viral and host sequences.However,the role of integrated HBV DNA in hepatocarcinogenesis remains controversial.Modern technology has provided a new paradigm to further our understanding ofdisease mechanisms.This review summarizes the role of HBV DNA integration in human carcinogenesis. Liver cancer ranks sixth in cancer incidence, and is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of liver cancer, which arises from hepatocytes and accounts for about 70% -85% of cases .Hepatitis B virus (HBV) frequently causes liver inflammation, hepatic damage and subsequent cirrhosis. Invasive viral DNA is found in 85% -90% of HBV-related HCCs.Its presence in tumors from non-cirrhotic livers of children or young adults further supports the role of viral DNA integration in hepatocarcinogenesis. Integration of subgenomic HBV DNA fragments into different locations within the host DNA is a significant feature of chronic HBV infection. Integration has two potential consequences: (1) the host genome becomes altered (“cis” The cis effect includes insertional mutagenesis, which can potentially disrupt host gene function or alter host gene regulation .umor progression i s frequently associated with rearrangement and partial gain or loss of both viral and host sequences. However, the role of integrated HBV DNA in hepatocarcinogenesis remains controversial. Modern technology has provided a new paradigm to further our understanding of disease mechanism. This review summarizes the role of HBV DNA integration in human carcinogenesis.
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刘墉(一七一九—一八〇四) ,字崇如,号石庵,另有青原、香岩、东武、穆庵、溟华、日观峰道人等字号,山东诸城人.清乾隆十六年(一七五一)进士,历官乾、嘉二朝,官至体仁阁大学士
石涛(一六四二—约一七〇八) ,俗姓朱,明宗室靖江王朱赞仪十世孙,谱名若极,广西桂林人.明灭亡后,出家为僧,法名原济,字石涛,号清湘老人、苦瓜和尚等.工于诗文,擅绘山水、兰竹
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