
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiancejiangjun
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经过伟大的抗美援朝爱国主义思想教育,我省代耕工作已有很大成绩。群众已认识到做好代耕工作是做好一切拥军优属工作的中心,也是对人民军队有力的支持,是热爱祖国的实际行动。我们已在全省实行了固定专责制,并推广了互助组包揽代耕工作和农业生产合作社结合代耕工作的经验,使代耕工作与整个农业生产结合起来了,因而保证了烈军属土地产量逐年增加,不少地区烈军属享受代耕的土地已和群众一样实现了丰产。这些一成绩必须巩固,这些经验必须推广。但是我们的代耕工作还存在着不少问题,例如:代耕负担还不平衡,畸轻畸重的现象还很严重;部分地区还有重干属轻烈军属或烈军工属平列对待的偏向,个别地区甚至有盲目的逐年扩大代耕面的趋势。例如我们有些地区负担代耕的 After the great ideological education on patriotism against the United States and North Korea, great achievements have been made in the field of crop cultivation in our province. The masses have realized that doing a good job in behalf of the cultivation of cots is the center of doing all the work of supporting the superior army and the people. It is also a strong support for the people’s army and a practical act of loving the motherland. We have implemented a fixed accountability system in the whole province and promoted the mutual aid group’s experience of taking over cultivation work and agricultural production cooperatives in combination with the cultivation work so that the work of cultivation can be integrated with the entire agricultural production. Increasingly, in many areas, the area where the strong army belongs to enjoy the cultivation has achieved the same high yield as the masses. These achievements must be consolidated and these experiences must be promoted. However, there are still many problems with our work on behalf of cultivation. For example, the burden of substituting farming is still not balanced and the abnormality is extremely serious. In some areas, There is even a blind trend of increasing generation of farming noodles annually. For example, in some parts of our country, we bear the burden of farming
Xinjiang is China’s largest provincial-level administrative region. Covering an area of 1.6 million square kilometers, there are eight countries along its 5,6