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奥运会的客车供应商就会一直这样的空白下去吗?如果北京奥组委还维持目前的报价,恐怕短时间内还真难有客车厂商出来“上钩儿”。这也许会让不少人指责众多客车厂商惟利是图,不为奥运出力,不爱国。但是,笔者却认为客车厂商的做法并不是不“爱国”。一位业内资深专家分析认为,相对于索取而言,北京奥组委给予客车厂商的太少了。客车厂商本身是经济组织,肯定要以盈利为目的,而北京奥组委的供应商计划让企业根本看不到物有所值之处。这样不能提供双赢的计划被客车厂商冷落并不让人意外。 If the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee also maintain the current offer, I am afraid that a short time really hard to come out bus manufacturers “to hook children.” This may cause many people to blame many bus manufacturers mercenary, not for the Olympic efforts, not patriotic. However, the author believes that the practice of bus manufacturers is not “not patriotic”. An industry veteran analysts believe that, compared to the request, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee to give too few bus manufacturers. Bus manufacturers themselves are economic organizations, certainly for the purpose of making profits, while the BOCOG’s supplier program allows companies to simply fail to find value for money. It is no surprise that such a failure to provide a win-win program is neglected by the bus manufacturers.
磷酸二氢钾是一种高效的磷、钾复合肥料,总有效成分为 86%,其中氧化钾为 34%,五氧化二磷为 52%。易溶于水,肥效迅速。由于磷酸二氢钾纯度高,售价贵,加之磷、钾入土后移动性差,故在施用
Mrs Williams loved flowers and had a small but beautiful garden.In the summer,her roses(玫瑰花)were always the best in her street.One summer afternoon her bell
新的第四代大白鲨,采用了“迷宫式”结构,改善了以前噪音大的缺点,工作时比较安静。 The new fourth-generation Jaws, using a “labyrinth” structure, has improved the no
《The Rose》由Amanda McBroom创作于1978年,是传唱了几十载的经典老歌。至今已被不少歌手翻唱过。“只要在心中洒下希望的种子,待到春天变会馨香满地。”  Some say love  it is a river  that drowns the tender reed  Some say love  it is a razor  that leaves your soul to
新技术不断出现,使得扫描仪的选择余地越来越大:USB与SCSI接口哪一种更好用?CCD与CIS感光元件哪一种效果更好?CHIP将在这里给您提供最具价值的参考信息。 Emerging new technologies, making the
Take me out to the ball game.Take me out to the crowd.Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks.I don’t care if I never come back.And it’s root,root,root for the