Microvasculature of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction: Lesson learned from submucosal endo

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:long12312
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Advanced therapeutic endoscopy,in particular endoscopic mucosal resection,endoscopic submucosal dissection,per-oral endoscopic myotomy,submucosal endoscopic tumor resection opened a new era where direct esophageal visualization is possible.Combining these information with advanced diagnostic endoscopy,the esophagus is organized,from the luminal side to outside,into five layers(epithelium,lamina propria with lamina muscularis mucosa,submucosa,muscle layer,adventitia).A specific vascular system belonging to each layer is thus visible: Mucosa with the intra papillary capillary loop in the epithelium and the sub-epithelial capillary network in the lamina propria and,at the lower esophageal sphincter(LES) level with the palisade vessels; submucosa with the drainage vessels and the spindle veins at LES level; muscle layer with the perforating vessels; periesophageal veins in adventitia.These structures are particularly important to define endoscopic landmark for the gastro-esophageal junction,helpful in performing submucosal therapeutic endoscopy. Advanced therapeutic endoscopy, in particular endoscopic mucosal resection, endoscopic submucosal dissection, per-oral endoscopic myotomy, submucosal endoscopic tumor resection opened a new era where direct esophageal visualization is possible. Combining these information with advanced diagnostic endoscopy, the esophagus is organized from from the luminal side to outside, into five layers (epithelium, lamina propria with lamina muscularis mucosa, submucosa, muscle layer, adventitia). A specific vascular system belonging to each layer is visible: Mucosa with the intra papillary capillary loop in the epithelium and the sub-epithelial capillary network in the lamina propria and at the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) level with the palisade vessels; submucosa with the drainage vessels and the spindle veins at LES level; muscle layer with the perforating vessels; periesophageal veins in adventitia. These structures are particularly important to define endoscopic landmark for the gastro-esophageal junctio n, helpful in performing submucosal therapeutic endoscopy.
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<正> 为纪念我国“五四”新文化运动暨民间文学研究活动开展七十周年,《民族文学研究》编辑部于1989年5月8日召开了北京部分民族民间文学理论工作者座谈会。二十多位学者参加了座谈。与会者就“五四”以来,特别是改革十年来我国民族民间文学理论研究工作的经验与教训、民族民间文学研究领域目前所面临的主要问题以及如何突破等一系列问题,进行了广泛的交谈。
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