On The World Order

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The subject of our forum,i.e.what world order we need,is very strategic.It has been 70 years since the end of World War Two.Do we need a new inteational order? And is there need to change the inteational order? Those are very practical topics.Professor Yang Jiemian from Shang said that politicians tend to make complicated issues simple while scholars make simple issues complicated.Obviously,todays world economic order is undergoing a stage of rapid development.
Peace and development is the common trend in the region and the world at large.However,we are not completely safe from emerging security threats stemming from t
It is my pleasure and honor to address inaugural conference of the CICA Non-Governmental Forum.We commend efforts of China-current chair of the CICA.rnSecurity
Of the many visits that I have made to this great civilization,I do not just call it a country,the first was in 1993,when the Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Ha
The scopernMy intervention will be on the “Post-war International Order and Security in Asia and on Possible Ways of Safeguarding and improving it”.rnThe post
目的 介绍党中勤教授长期临床上治疗非酒精性脂肪性肝病经验.方法 通过跟师学习,收集门诊及住院病例,对符合临床诊断标准的病人进行定期随访、宣传健康教育,进行整理并总结导
目的 调查医院进修人员医院感染知识水平,并分析相关影响因素,以制定合理的进修人员培训方案.方法 采用自制《医院感染相关知识网络问卷》,通过网络问卷调查方式,对来自外院5
目的 观察不换金正气散加味治疗溃疡性结肠炎的临床疗效.方法 运用中医辨证论治原则组方治疗溃疡性结肠炎,持续治疗4周,并记录治疗前后主要症状情况及不良反应.结果 治疗后总
目的 观察自制头颈肩体位枕在儿童寰枢关节旋转移位牵引中的应用效果.方法 按随机数字表将90例患儿分为对照组45例和观察组45例.对照组按原有的体位垫方式进行颈椎牵引;观察
目的 观察杨氏3A+疗法“椎五针”治疗颈性眩晕的临床疗效.方法 将86例颈性头痛患者随机分为观察组44例和对照组42例,其中治疗组采用杨氏3A+疗法“椎五针”治疗,对照组采用传
As a scholar,I am sharing with you my personal views on the co-relations between Development and Security.Along with the changes in international situation as w