
来源 :武警医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhawk
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先天性无阴道多合并始基子宫或无子宫,始基子宫偶有内膜腔,在青春期后宫内膜有周期性出血,但双侧始基伴一侧子宫积血,出现周期性下腹痛较罕见,常误诊为卵巢肿瘤扭转,笔者在临床中收治1例,现报道如下。1临床资料患者女,26岁,未婚,17岁因无月经来潮,在当地医院检查发现先天性无阴 Congenital non-vaginal combined with primordial-based uterus or uterus, primordial uterine occasional endometrial cavity, there is a period of bleeding in the endometrium after puberty, but bilateral primordial with uterine hematuria, cyclical lower abdominal pain than Rare, often misdiagnosed as ovarian tumor torsion, the author admitted to a clinical case, are reported below. 1 clinical data Female patient, 26 years old, unmarried, 17 years old because of no menstrual cramps, found in the local hospital congenital without Yin
庆大霉素抗菌谱广、疗效佳、经济 ,是目前最常用的氨基糖苷类抗生素之一 ,特别在基层医疗机构应用更为广泛。成人常用量为 16~ 2 4万 U/日 ,分 2~ 3次应用 ,其主要毒副作用是耳
Objective: To examine the outcome of in vitro fertilization according to the body mass index of infertile patients. Study design: Between September 2003 and May
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare gene expression of skeletal muscle heavy-chain polypeptide 3(MYH3) and myosin binding protein H (MyBP- H) in
贵金属纳米颗粒的表面等离子共振效应使之在可见光区表现出显著的特征吸收.在可见光的诱导下,银/卤化银(Ag/Ag X,X=Cl,Br,I)复合物在污染物净化中表现出了优良的光催化性能.
四亚甲基二砜四胺 (毒鼠强 )属强烈的神经毒杀鼠剂。我院 1997年 2月— 2 0 0 1年 10月共收治急性毒鼠强中毒 4 6例 ,其中出现癫样抽搐 2 8例 ,现将治疗与效果分析如下。1
目的建立高效液相色谱-原子荧光光谱法测定水产品中砷酸盐、亚砷酸盐、一甲基砷、二甲基砷。方法样品经0.15 mol/L HNO3溶液90℃热浸提2.5 h后离心、去脂肪、C18小柱净化以及