湖北省举办会计证考试学习辅导班取得成效——结合会计专业职务聘任工作的开展 抓好中级会计人员的培训

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湖北省举办会计证考试学习辅导班,全省已有财会人员4万余人参加了学习。到6月底,大部分学员可以结业并领到会计证。为了做好会计证的颁发和学习辅导工作,财政厅制订了《湖北省会计证管理暂行办法》和有关问题的补充通知。在财政厅会计事务管理所与省会计学会联合举办第一期辅导班后,全省大部分地、市、县及部分省直厅(局)、大专院校,先后有70多个单位办了脱产、半脱产和业余的辅导班。许多地区和部门的领导把办好辅导班作为贯彻实施《会计法》的重要措施来抓,有的厅局和市、县成立了颁发会计证领导小组,配备了专职干部,加强了对辅导班的领导。有的副处长、科长一级的干部也参加了辅导班学习。按照财政部规定的会计专业职务专业水平的考试科目,辅导班开设了政治 Hubei Province organized accounting exam exam classes, the province has more than 40,000 accounting staff attended the study. By the end of June, most of the trainees will be able to close down and receive a certificate of account. In order to make the issuance of accounting certificates and study and counseling work, the Department of Finance formulated the Interim Measures for the Administration of Hubei Province’s Accounting Certificates and other supplementary notices on relevant issues. After the first coaching class was jointly organized by the Office of Accounting Affairs of the Ministry of Finance and the Provincial Institute of Accounting, most of the province, cities, counties and some provincial departments directly under the Central Government (bureaus), universities and colleges have successively held more than 70 units Full-time, half-time and amateur remedial classes. In many regions and departments, the leadership has taken remedial classes as an important measure to implement the “Accounting Law.” Some bureaux and municipalities and counties have set up the leading group of accounting certificates, equipped full-time cadres, and strengthened the guidance classes Leadership. Some deputy division chiefs, section chief cadres also participated in counseling classes. In accordance with the accounting department of the Ministry of Finance professional standards of professional examination subjects, counseling classes set up a political
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