
来源 :安徽农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nieyuhan
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应用二化螟性诱剂对 2代雄蛾进行大面积诱捕试验 ,结果表明 :诱捕 7、15天后 ,诱捕中心区、边缘区比CK区单盆诱蛾量分别降低 88.67%、71.0 9%和 84.72 %、69.72 % ;2 5天后中心区无雄蛾存在 ,边缘区几乎无雄蛾存在。诱捕 15天后 ,中心区、边缘区与CK1 及诱测灯CK2 之间单盆日诱蛾量均呈极显著差异。二化螟性诱剂诱蛾效果 7天后明显高于诱测灯 ,而在连续诱杀 15天后 ,日均诱蛾量完全与诱测灯相同。诱捕中心区、边缘区、CK1 区的水稻丛害率分别为 0 .16%、0 .3 9%和 0 .71% ,前两者明显低于 1%的危害指标。研究表明 ,二化螟性诱剂可作为该虫的测报和发生期等的预测手段 ;同时建议在白湖圩区推广应用二化螟性诱剂来防治二化螟 ,可真正起到节本、简便、增产、增效 ,与环境友好的目的 Large-area trapping experiments were carried out on the second-generation male moths by means of sex-attractant. The results showed that after trapping for 7 days and 15 days, the single-trap moths in the central and marginal areas decreased 88.67% and 71.0 9%, respectively 84.72% and 69.72% respectively. After 20 days, no male moths were found in the central area and almost no male moths existed in the marginal area. After 15 days of trapping, the amount of single-trap moths in the center, marginal zone and CK1 and CK2 were all significantly different. The results showed that the induced moths were significantly higher than the induced light after 7 days and the average daily induced moths were the same as the induced light after 15 days of continuous trapping. Trapping the central area, the marginal zone, CK1 area of ​​rice damage rates were 0.16%, 0.39% and 0.71%, the first two significantly lower than 1% of the hazard indicators. Studies have shown that the sexually attractant of the rice stem borer can be used as a means of forecasting and the occurrence of the worm and other means of prediction; also recommended in the Baihu polder area to promote the use of sex-induced resistance to rice stem borer Chilo suppressalis, can really play a section , Simple, increase production, increase efficiency, and environment-friendly purposes
对烤烟品种G80的光合特性进行了系统研究。结果表明 ,G80叶片光饱和点、净光合速率、光补偿点、表观量子效率、CO2 饱和点、暗呼吸速率均随着叶片的生长而增大 ,在旺长期达到
采用田间试验研究了灌水和过量施钾对烤烟 (NicotianatabacumL )养分含量和产量品质的影响 .结果表明 ,在烤烟N∶K2 O用量比达到 1∶3的基础上随钾用量增加 ,烟株体内营养元
根据四川井研县坡耕地实验点对不同坡度、不同耕作方式情况下水土流失的实测资料 ,引入神经网络建模方法 ,建立了不同坡度下顺坡垄作和横坡垄作的次降雨产沙网络模型 ,得出前
利用阴离子交换柱Q Hyper D对双峰驼精清进行分离,大鼠垂体组织培养及母驼肌注活性组分,RIA法测定垂体组织培养液和母驼血浆中LH及FSH的浓度.实验结果表明,驼精清经Q Hyper D
研究了微囊藻毒素(MC-LR)对咸淡水褶皱臂尾轮虫的急性毒性效应.采用克隆培养法,通过编制生命表计算内禀增长率(rm)、周限增长率(l)、净生殖率(R0)和世代时间(T),研究MC-LR的浓度在1~20mg/mL之间对轮虫种群增长参数的影响.结果表明,MC-LR的24h LC50为124.87mg/mL;各实验组轮虫的存活率和繁殖率及种群增长参数均低于对照组,其中以R0的改变最明显,对照组是实验组