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按着美国流行学集合区域研究,采用DIS-Ⅲ朝文版在延边地区和龙县农村中,使用多阶段整群抽样方法,对随机地抽出11个调查点的朝鲜族成年人1169名进行精神障碍终生患病率的流行病学调查。其结果如下:(1)酒使用障碍患病率最高,是18.88%,以下依次为:抑部性神经症(2.05%)、恐怖症(1.90%)、恐慌症和躯体化障碍(均为1.63%)等。(2)男性酒使用障碍的患病率是41.01%,高于女性,而女性抑部性神经症、焦虑症、恐布症、恐慌症、躯体化障碍等患病率却均高于男性。(3)酒使用障碍、酒滥用、酒依赖、抑郁性神经症、轻度精神发育迟滞等的患病率高年龄组高于低年龄组(4)酒依赖、焦虑症、恐慌症、躯体化障碍、轻度精神发育迟滞等的患病率已婚者高于未婚者。(5)高学历组的酒使用障碍、酒滥用、酒依赖患病率高;在低学历组的精神发育迟滞重度和轻度患病率高。 According to the United States Epidemiological Collection Regional Study, the DIS-III version was used in the rural villages of Helong County and Yanbian County. Multi-stage cluster sampling was used to collect 1,169 Korean adults randomly at 11 survey sites. Epidemiological survey of the lifetime prevalence of disorders. The results are as follows: (1) The prevalence of alcohol use disorders was the highest, 18.88%, followed by: Inhibitory neurosis (2.05%), phobia (1.90%), panic disorder, and somatization disorder (all 1.63) %)Wait. (2) The prevalence of impaired alcohol use in males was 41.01%, which was higher than that in females. The prevalence of neurotic disorders, anxiety disorders, terror, panic disorder, and somatization disorders in women was higher than that in men. (3) The prevalence of alcohol abuse, alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, depressive neurosis, mild mental retardation, etc. is higher in the age group than in the low age group (4) Alcohol dependence, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, somatization The prevalence of disorders, mild mental retardation, etc. is higher among married people than unmarried individuals. (5) High-educated group had high prevalence of alcohol abuse, alcohol abuse, and alcohol dependency; in the low-education group, the prevalence of severe and mild mental retardation was high.
应用HPLC 法同时测定儿腹康口服液中秦皮甲素和盐酸小檗碱的含量。以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为固定相, 采用梯度洗脱, 流动相Ⅰ∶甲醇∶水(27∶73) , 流动相Ⅱ: 乙腈: 0 .05 mol/L十二烷基硫酸钠溶液(54∶46)
目的 :研究中药复方制剂活血通脉片对麻醉犬实验性急性心肌缺血状态下的血液流变性的影响。方法 :采用结扎冠脉 ,造成实验犬急性心肌缺血模型 ,经十二指肠灌入试验性药物 ,自
以体外免疫性肝损害模型探讨了从羽扇豆等植物中分离得到的齐墩果酸型皂甙的保肝作用。 The hepatoprotective effect of oleanolic acid saponins isolated from lupins a
模态分析被广泛应用于大型工程结构的无损检测中 .用振动模态对压力管道进行损伤分析 ,可以根据压力管道的一维连续性质和横截面积性质 ,把应变表示为位移振动模态的函数 ,采
如何提高现有基层卫生人员的业务水平,最大限度地满足基层需要,确保实现“2000年人人享有卫生保健”战略目标,是目前卫生事业的重大课题。资料与数据来源 11990年济宁市卫生
现代化是近代以来民族国家赖以发展的重要要素。无论发达国家还是发展中国家 ,其阔步前进的历程都必须诉诸现代化过程 ,这既是民族生存的必要条件 ,也为历史所证实。南非现代
Today I want to say something about sports and health.I do exercise for an hour every day.I often run and go swimming.And I play ball games with my friends at s
采用电导法对去氢骆驼蓬注射用乳剂的凝聚动力学进行了研究,求出凝聚速度方程和25℃时半凝聚期,从而定量地预测了这一分散体系的物理稳定性。 The cohesion kinetics of emuls