Chief Designer and His Hometown Roots

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  At 57 seconds, 59 minutes, six o’clock on October 1, 2010, Chang’e Two lunar probe blasted off successfully from Xichang Launch Center. The launch was televised nationwide. In Desheng Town, Pingchang County, Sichuan Province, people went wild. They celebrated the successful liftoff by beating drums and gongs and setting off fireworks.
  The residents of Desheng Town did so for a reason. The chief designer of this project is Wu Weiren. He is from Dubai Village under the jurisdiction of Desheng Town. Wu is very dear to them.
  Wu Weiren was born in October, 1953 into a farmer’s family in Dubai Village. He is the eldest of the six siblings. Cut off from the outside world, the village is in the southern part of the Daba Mountains. It had some military strategic significance in the past. In 1933, the Red Army once stationed there during its Long March. An uncle of Wu Weiren joined the Red Army then.
  In September 1960, Wu Weiren, who was nearly 8 years old, entered the local primary school. Though started late, he was academically brilliant. He finished junior primary school and came back to his village when schools were shut down during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). It was not until 1971 when he was 18 years old that he went to senior high school. After his graduation, he came back to the village again. This time, he was elected by villagers to be the head of the production team. The educated student applied science to farming. Under his leadership, the villagers conducted many projects. Gradually, the poorest village turned itself into one of the richest in the county.
  But Wu yearned for more education. In 1975, the county got a few quotas for sending local young people to college. Wu applied. He successfully passed the screening and became a major of radio studies at China Science and Technology University.
  Villagers chipped in and bought him a pair of shoes and new cloths. A villager gave him a sweater.
  Upon graduation, Wu was employed by a space research institute in Beijing. As soon as he received his first monthly payment, he made arrangements for his father to come to Beijing whereas his mother stayed home to take care of his young siblings. His father spent a month in Beijing sightseeing all the world-class attractions. The junior bought new cloths for his parents when his father was to go home. He also bought five kilograms of caddies and asked his father to distribute them among villagers. Back home, every one said Wu Weiren had the village in his heart.
  Whenever Wu came back to visit his parents, he distributed candies to villagers. He did not change a bit. He chatted with villagers. He never mentioned what he did in Beijing. But everyone in the village knew he was a scientist.
  His home in Beijing is the Beijing Office of his hometown. Every visitor from Desheng Town visits Wu Weiren at his home.
  On May 9, 2008, Wu Weiren’s father, who lived with his daughter in the capital of Pingchang County, came back alone to visit the village. He fell. Villagers who came to meet him carried him in a hurry to the county hospital. He had a cerebral hemorrhage. Wu Weiren rushed back to see his father. The father died. Wu Weiren found out what exactly had caused his father’s fall. There was no highway to their home village. The rural paths were difficult to negotiate and some sections were treacherous. Villagers told the son that his father had come back to see if it was possible to find some investment and build a highway.
  Wu Weiren went back to Beijing. He soon mailed 40,000 yuan, what was all he had at that time, to his second brother Wu Yuren. By that time, none of his brothers and sisters lived in the village. The villagers were touched by Wu Weiren’s generosity.
  In June 2010, Wu Weiren was appointed chief designer of China’s moon project. Back in Pingchang County, the news caused sensation, making everyone proud. Nowadays, local people in Desheng Town introduce their hometown by saying that Wu Weiren, the man in charge of China’s moon project, is a top-class scientist whose roots are in Desheng Town.□
2006年5月31日下午4时许,时任浙江省委书记的习近平从杭州驱车6个多小时,一路颠簸,冒雨来到海拔800多米的后九蜂村,看望村支书郑九万和其他基层干部。行走在崎岖山道上,习近平一手撑着雨伞,一手搀扶着郑九万。郑九万说:“今天是我一生中最难忘的日子。习书记这么忙,还到这么偏僻的地方来看我们……”  大雨中,省委书记与村支书的双手久久地握着。习近平再三关照郑九万要保重身体,嘱咐基层干部不辜负党和人民
改“啸”为“小”趣闻多  几乎每个刚接触胡小孩的人,都会对他的名字表现出极大的好奇心。刚出生时,胡小孩特别会哭号,父亲便给他取名胡啸孩。改名的由来,还得从他参加工作说起。当年金华地委文工团负责发放生活用品的司务长是一位山东南下的老兵,文化程度比较低,“啸”字笔划多难写,为图方便,把“啸”改成了“小”。从此,“胡啸孩”便成了“胡小孩”,没想到这一用就是一辈子。  胡小孩的名字,在医院里曾闹过不止一次
编者按:2011年6月24日,中国“杭州西湖文化景观”在法国巴黎举行的联合国教科文组织第35届世界遗产委员会会议上顺利通过审议,正式被列入《世界遗产名录》。  民俗画家吴理人被誉为“画说”杭州西湖第一人。他生在西湖,长在西湖,与西湖朝夕相伴,用画笔描绘西湖,为西湖景观几乎倾注了他的全部心血。本刊特发表这篇专访,以庆贺西湖申遗成功。    作为中国七大古都之一的杭州,自南宋以来就有四时赏花的习俗,并
80年代初,随着《小螺号》《信天游》在大街小巷里传唱,程琳成了大陆第一个流行歌手,人们心中的小“邓丽君”。   后来程琳不停地穿梭于世界各地,将中西音乐文化交融成了她追求和为之奋斗的目标。2010年10月20日,一个阳光明媚的下午,在北京的一个咖啡厅里,笔者见到了程琳,听她自述经历。下面就是她的话。      少年成名  1980年,我13岁的那一年,当我站在了舞台上,唱罢一曲《小螺号》之后,就懵
前不久,我随山东老年书画研究会去台湾采风观光,面对高雄县大树乡佛光山名家百人碑墙,对中国书画文化闪烁出的绮丽光彩,不禁又一次由衷地击节赞叹!  这面墙收集了历史上不少文人的诗词佳句,不少书法家的笔性墨情。这些作品一一镌刻在黑色花岗岩上,字里行间,无不展示着不同字体不同风格的线条之美,无不体现着中国书画文化的博大精深。  或许是酷爱书法和诗词的缘故,当我从这些风格各异、哲理深蕴的诗情墨迹中读出做人做
风筝,杭州人称“纸鸢”、“鸢儿”,为民间传统游戏。大都于春风和煦的二、三月放飞风筝。风筝的技艺全在做工,从扎细竹骨架,到糊以纸绢,涂以彩绘,调准提线,系以长线,各道工序十分讲究。南宋时风筝制作工艺相当发展,放风筝在杭州成为盛行的娱乐游戏。  历代咏风筝诗颇多,北宋寇准写下“碧落秋方静,腾空力尚微。清风如可托,终共白云飞。”明代徐渭写出儿童放风筝的快乐和对蓝天的向往:“柳条搓线絮搓棉,搓够千寻放纸鸢
大熊猫“盼盼”曾是北京亚运会的吉祥物,而“盼盼”的原型是大熊猫巴斯。今天,巴斯怎么样了?      明星巴斯  谁也不会想到,25年前夹金山下那冰冷的一夜,摆脱了死神威胁的巴斯会成为耀眼的“明星”。  2010年11月12日16时,CCTV第16届广州亚运会开幕倒计时全球直播特别节目——“20年亚运跨越”将镜头切至国内唯一直播分场福州熊猫世界,大熊猫巴斯出现在电视观众面前。作为第11届北京亚运会吉
摩洛哥如同一个天方夜谭的国度:在公路上会突然看见满树的山羊;古城内人人捧着面包,朝同一目的地进发;夜市里,吃饭如同上了一堂解剖课…………漫游在这古老的国家,眼睛和心灵一次又一次的被艳丽的阿拉伯文化所冲击。皮革、神灯、香料、魔毡,还有黑纱背后那双深邃的大眼睛,使人念念不忘。  在摩洛哥南部一望无际的撒哈拉大沙漠中,有一座叫亚特拉斯的山,山的周围是无边无际的沙漠。这里气候炎热干燥,很难找到一块绿洲。 
当代中国农民画,是世界文化艺术宝库中的一朵奇葩,是当代中国农民时代精神的反映。去年7月,由中国文联、中国美协、中共浙江省委宣传部共同主办,浙江省文联、浙江省美协承办的“农民画时代时代画农民——全国农民绘画展”,在浙江美术馆举办。  本次展览凸显了新中国成立以来当代中国农民画家创作中所取得的突出成就,聚焦了新时期下中国农民社会经济文化生活的方方面面。浙江农民画表现出彩,有90件作品入选,其中15件获